• 33 ~ When They Believe You •

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This wasn't the satellite's fault, but for Y/n's for thinking something like this wasn't inevitable.

"Are you still going to stay silent, Y/n?" Scaramouche pressed further.

Y/n looked up at him. Whatever was gonna happen to them, they hoped he hadn't punished Aless for his involvement in this.

"Before you joined the Resistance, I asked you if you'd still stay loyal to me." Scaramouche said, realising Y/n wasn't going to be much of a talker today. "It seems like I know what your answer is now."

Y/n stared at him wide-eyed. Why did it seem like Scaramouche was more upset than angry?

Or is this just his way of mocking me?

"I'm still on your side!" Y/n yelled. "I just didn't want the Resistance to suffer because of the Fatui's doing!!"

"You do realise that by doing so, you're basically betraying us??" Scaramouche raised his voice to match Y/n's, but it held the same amount of composure. "What are you going to do if the Tsaritsa finds out about this??"

Y/n realised the point he was trying to make. "I don't know. I just wanted to help them."

"Help?" His expression darkened. "What can a being as insignificant as you hope to achieve? The most you could've done was stupidly try to sabotage the Fatui's operations, and even that got you caught red-handed."

Y/n frowned, looking for some way, any way, to talk back. "It doesn't matter if I was caught. I've done what I had to do."

"Oh? What exactly did you do?"

"The Resistance knows you guys aren't trustworthy sources of help anymore."

"You think you trying to mix in toys with our supply will break their faith in us that easily?" Scaramouche crossed his arms, tilting his head. "It'll only take an excuse and a couple days of consistent supply to get back on track."

Y/n tried to stand their ground. "It wouldn't."

Would it..?

Scaramouche laughed. "You really are quite foolish, Y/n. The moth will always be attracted to the flame. You can blow it out, but the moment it lights back up again?"

Y/n wanted to interject, but it didn't seem worth it. He wouldn't know the true extent of Y/n's progress, no matter how many words he weaved.

"Alright. Enough about the Resistance, now. Since you've been so sure of your actions lately, let's see how self-aware you actually are." He smirked.

Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Answer me this. Why do you think you're here?"

Y/n swallowed, a single drop of sweat trickling down their face. Was this the kind of pop quiz where, if they answered wrong, he'd chop their head off?

Maybe this is what he's using to decide whether he should spare me or not...

"It was because the Tsaritsa captured and cornered me-"

"Did she now?"

"Well, yeah! That's how I..." Their voice trailed away.

𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕄𝕖 [Scaramouche x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz