♥︎Chapter 7♥︎

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When school finally ended, I waited outside for the new boy. Come to think of it, I never caught his name. Oh well.


I turned around and saw the new boy stand behind me.

"You startled me!" I laughed.

"Sorry about that," he said, clearly embarrassed.

"So.. where do you wanna go?" I asked, looking around, making sure Corpse wasn't around.

"Hm, to be honest, I didn't think of that." He let out a shy, but cute laugh.

I laughed too.

"What if I just walk you home for today? We can think of something to do as we walk," he said smiling.

"Oh um, sure."

We awkwardly began walking to my house.

"I never got to ask. What's your name?"

"Sykkuno." He said, smiling.

"Unique. I like it."

We continued walking, without saying anything for a while until he blurted out,

"Hey, I have a question..."


"Do you know Corpse?"

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. I stood there, my heart beating quickly, my eyes widened.

"C-C-Corpse?? I do but- the question is how do you??"

He stared off into the distance, looking embarrassed.

"Family friend.', he finally responded.

Family friend? Well, I didn't know much about either of the two I guess.

But still, it's crazy to think of the two boys knowing each other, they're so different. They're like polar opposites of each other.

One warm, the other cold.

One friendly, the other mysterious.

One's eyes of tranquil blue, the others of blood red.

"What are you doing here?"

Oh shit.

I looked up and there he was, in his signature black hoodie, glaring at both of us.

We stopped dead in our tracks.


I glanced up at Sykkuno, unsure what to do.

He had a weird expression on his face, he almost looked smug.

Like he had outsmarted an enemy.

I blinked and looked again and his face was a picture of bewilderment, slightly taken aback.

I must have imagined it.

Corpse was looking from Sykkuno to me, his face still settled in a look of fury, almost disgust.

"W-What a surprise!" Sykkuno laughed awkwardly.

Corpse stared at me with a still angry look, but it was mixed with something different.

Curiosity? Confusion?



For some reason, I started feeling itchy all over, like I wanted to run away from Sykkuno as far as possible.

I stepped away from him just a little bit.

He noticed. His eyes flicked to the spot I had been for just a second.

So did Corpse's. I saw his face become the slightest bit relaxed and he almost smirked.


What the hell did I just do?

Corpse's red eyes, now glowing with malice, met Sykkuno's blue ones.


Sykkuno met his gaze.

"Why are you here, Corpse?".

"I asked first, Ku-Ku." Corpse said, his eyebrows raised and definitely smirking now.


I almost laughed but didn't as soon as I caught sight of Sykkuno's face, which was scrunched in anger.

"Just walking with my new friend,", Sykkuno said, placing his hand on my arm.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as soon as he touched me.

Corpse's eyes went straight to the spot his hand was and narrowed.

"From my experience, Y/N doesn't like when people touch her.", he said in a soft and dangerous voice.

"Really?", Sykkuno said, "She seems fine.".

Corpse stared at me with a scowl on his face.

I stepped back a little, in doing so, I felt Sykkuno's grip loosen.


Sykkuno glared at Corpse, taking a step between me and him.

"Leave her alone."

Corpse sneered, "Oh? Playing the knight in shining armor, are we? How sweet."

His eyes met mine, "And boring."

Sykkuno visibly stiffened, glowering at Corpse.

Corpse ran his fingers through his dark hair, his eyes still on me before glancing at Sykkuno.

"You'll have to try much harder than that to make this one happy," he said to Sykkuno, jutting his chin toward me, "She's tough."

I stared at Corpse, utterly perplexed.

Me? Tough? What was he going on about?

Corpse smirked at me and I felt my breath catch.

Damn it.

He got me.

"Later Ku-Ku, Y/N," he said and brushed past us, taking special care to bump against Sykkuno.

Sykkuno stared at the spot where Corpse had been, his face hard to read.

What just happened?

If I didn't know better...

I think they were fighting.

Over me. 


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Thank you for reading 

We will see you next time!!!

Next update: Friday

My Faceless Demon || Corpse x Y/N ||Discontinued||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat