♥︎Chapter 4♥︎

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I squinted at the fluorescent lights that were right in my face.

"W-where am I?", I said groggily.

"In the nurse's office, love.", said a deep voice, "You passed out."

Wait. I know that voice.

I sat up and stared, and there he was. Right at my bedside sitting on a chair. Beside him was an open book, he had obviously just been reading it.

What the hell had happened? I was still confused. Why did I suddenly pass out?

Wait. Could it have been-

No. There's no way. I've had that habit for a while now, and nothing like this has ever happened. It can't be.

"Nurse said she can't find a reason for it. Maybe just stress building up."

I shook my head groggily.

Seriously? Stress?

I mean, with everything happening lately, it could be a possibility.

I still thought about the other possibility, but distracted myself from it.

"Hey, here, how about I take you to my place? Just for you to rest, of course, nothing else." Then he grinned and added, ''Unless you wanted to."

I felt my heartbeat quicken and ordered it to stop.

It didn't.

"Hey. Would you rather rest in my house or this cubed roo-"

I cut him off before he could finish.

"...No thanks. I don't need to rest. I'm fine. I'll just head home for now," I said, giving him a cold look.

Take the hint, Corpse man. I don't want anything to do with you.

Especially now you know my secret.

The secret I worked so hard to keep.

All ruined.

Because of you.

"Want me to walk you ho-"


I got up, a little dizzy, and headed over to the school exit. It was still raining outside. Shit. I put my hoodie over my head and ran to my bike, which was, of course, soaking wet. Great.

I hopped onto it and drove home in the rain.

Once I got home, I rapidly entered the apartment building, leaving a trail of water behind me. I got into the elevator and looked at my reflection. I looked like a hot mess. My hair was soaking wet, along with everything else. Sigh.

"I'm home," I said to nobody.

I looked down onto the sofa, and as expected my uncle had left again. Probably went to buy his weekly supply of beer and whisky or whatever.

I flopped onto the couch and took a deep breath.

I looked over at the coffee table, and stared at the spilled orange bottles, with pills spread everywhere.


Of course, he had to make a mess before he left.

I got up from the couch and walked over to the table, I started cleaning up the pills and putting them back into each of their containers.

Except for one.

One orange container, which I took and hid in my room.

I took a deep breath and felt my hands tremble.

Did I really need this?

Look at what it's done to me today.

I know my habit is what caused me to pass out today, I just didn't wanna bring myself to admit it.

My habit-


Be honest with yourself; My addiction,

My addiction to drugs.

*Flashback to when Y/N was 12 years old*

"See, sometimes, Y/N, when y- you're struggling in lifffee, you can u-use the magic pills like I do! Just make s-sureee that you do them safelyyy so you don't end up like me hereeee. Hah! You can use them to take the p-pain away."

I remember that day vividly. My uncle was in a hospital bed from an overdose. He thought he was going to die, and so did I.

I remember being scared after seeing him there, were drugs really this powerful? Could they really make you like this?

But at the same time...

I did want to take the pain away.

So, I thought, ...maybe one wouldn't hurt.

Just once.

Just once

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Oh god, this is getting darker by the day.

Thank you for keeping up with this story and see you next time!

Next update: Friday  

My Faceless Demon || Corpse x Y/N ||Discontinued||Where stories live. Discover now