Kingdom Hearts OC #1 & #2

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Name: Nila / XilanAlias: The Nurturing DryadHeight: 5'6"Birthday: August 30th

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Name: Nila / Xilan
Alias: The Nurturing Dryad
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: August 30th

Personality: timid, kind, loyal, protective, honest, intelligent, observant, clever, secretive, motherly sometimes, peacekeeper, sensitive
Likes: sweets, drawing, gardens, being outdoors, singing when she's alone
Dislikes: spicy foods, her plants being hurt or destroyed, children being threatened, her illiteracy

Crush: Axel/Lea

Ability: Nature
Weapon: Dual Katanas, Eventually Dual Keyblades
Alignment: Twilight
Affiliation: Organization XIII (Formerly)
Organization Number: 15

Habit: spending her spare time with her friends or around fields and woods
Niche: being forced to do stuff she's against

~If pushed too far, she can become violent to those she acknowledged previously as her enemy and can be snapped from it by someone she cares about.
~She keeps a mask on with her outfit for reasons she'd forgotten when she was young.
~She locked her heart from outside effects since she was young. This led her to have complications with how she feels often but gave her an opportunity to build up a personality to be as it is now. Though, just because her heart is locked, doesn't mean she can't feel any emotions from it.
~She can't read or write, so she always has others read for her often, though she keeps it secret from everyone mostly.
~She's a childhood friend of Axel/Lea and Saix/Isa's and is the neutral party between the two of them.
~She tends to be especially motherly towards those younger than her such as Roxas, Xion, and Kairi.
~She eventually inherits her own and Ava's Keyblade.
~She was given Number 15 before everyone else came into the Organization after Axel because Xemnas was questioning where her heart laid in terms of loyalty, since she was only there to be with Saix and Axel.
~Her relationship with Axel is a playful sort while with Saix, it's a laidback kind. Then with Roxas and Xion, she naturally has a sort of nurturing personality towards them where Axel and Roxas tend to eventually tease her about being a motherly sort because she behaves in that way towards Roxas and Xion.
~She only wears the mask in front of everyone because she believes it hides who she really may be.


Her own:

Her own:

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Backstory: When she was born, she was born in a rare state where she had no heart

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Backstory: When she was born, she was born in a rare state where she had no heart. Ava, as a spirit of herself, had her heart given to Nila to give her a chance to live her life with a heart. As this happened, she had no memory of Ava's past and thought of Ava as her imaginary friend while growing up. Once she turned seven though, she got lost in the woods and was attacked. After the attack, she was in a short coma and animals found her and plants grew to cover her and began a slow process of curing her. It was apparently due to Nila's subconscious magic usage that Ava used to help her. Once Nila was recovered, she woke up with amnesia and no way of remembering her past. She eventually found herself at Radiant Garden and she was given her new name (Nila) by Lea, due to the fact she couldn't remember her name and thought she was never given one. She became friends with Lea and Isa shortly after. Eventually towards when they became Nobodies, she was becoming more confused and more concealed with her feelings about how she felt towards everything and was given her new name, Xilan by Xemnas. Once Axel began socializing more with Roxas than her and Saix, she decided to join in their gatherings, which Axel and Roxas didn't mind. Once she learned about Xion, she was willing to let Xion go to let her do what she believed would be for the best. Shortly after when Roxas left the Organization, she left as well to find a way to bring Xion back, since she was the only one who didn't forget her by having kept her memory of her preserved deeper than her other memories.

Theme Song:

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Name: HashiraAlias: Nightshade

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Name: Hashira
Alias: Nightshade

Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Birthday: October 30th
Alignment: Neutral

Personality: calm, quiet, protective, honest, loyal, intelligent, vigilant, strong-willed, caring, determined, stubborn
Likes: sea salt ice cream, sweets, protecting Riku, travelling
Dislikes: Riku getting hurt, being forced into fights, spicy foods, misleading

Affiliation: Freelance
Signature Items: Amulet

Crush: Cloud Strife

~She's Riku's older sister
~She is considered cursed to be unable to be around her family due to the fact she's away most times.
~She used to have a close connection with Riku until she turned ten and was taken away from Destiny Islands where she started to end up fighting in the world of the Olympus Coliseum most of the time.
~She has a katana she uses for battle at all times.
~She is mostly based for nature magic and because of this, she leans more towards light than darkness.
~She wears bandages over her neck, mouth and nose like a mask to hide a large scar that runs from under her jaw to around mid cheek on her right side from a battle against a Heartless at some point.

Backstory: She grew up, helping take care of Riku and playing games with him and Sora whenever possible. However, shortly after Kairi's arrival to the Destiny Islands, she left to find where Kairi came from, but had no luck. She eventually worked wirh Maleficent for a short time, but she never told her about Riku, to keep him safe. After that, she left to the Olympus Coliseum and began to work on getting stronger there and hasn't been able to see her brother and his friends since.

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