Ch. Sixty Eight 👑

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Namjoon washes his face with cold water for the third time this morning. He needs to chill. He can't believe this day is finally here. Today, he'll be king. In front of all his people they'll give him the throne. And he'll have to give the order. The first order. Hoseok has to die.

He breathes in and out one more time before leaving the room. Outside, Taehyung waits for him. And he's not alone. Jungkook stands by his side. Namjoon is still shocked that his brother was able to do that.

He never thought he would come back from Busan with the guard. Much less that he'd come back holding hands in front of his father. The King of course hated the idea but even after trying for days to make it change Taehyung didn't even try to hide his love for the other boy.

Tae said it himself. Father, you never cared about me at all and I'll do whatever I feel like doing whether you like it or not. His little brother maybe didn't notice it. But Namjoon did. He noticed how much he had changed. How different he is now from how he was just months ago.

But Namjoon...he's still the same. He's still a Prince who gets shivers whenever he sees the crown. One that his people hate. One that the Hope group hates. One that Jin hates...

The ceremony is about to start and the people are already feeling worried. Not only about seeing Namjoon take the throne. But most importantly about seeing behind the future King a few guards who are taking care of Hoseok.

Namjoon looks back at him, kind of wanting to say sorry. And looks surprised when he sees Hobi's huge smile. Not because he's happy but because he doesn't want anyone to cry for him. Damn it, even Hoseok is a better leader than him.

The Prince knows his father is giving a huge speech. But he can't hear it. He's more focused in not fainting right then and there being so nervous. Eventually, he feels everyone's eyes on him. It's time. He has to get closer to the King and receive the crown.

Trying to focus on anything else, while the heavy crown touches his head he looks at his people. And there he can see someone that looks familiar. The hat he's wearing doesn't let him see it perfectly but...those full lips...he can recognize them anywhere. He's been thinking about them for the last days after all.

And for a moment he wants to smile. Until of course he remembers why he is there. He probably came to save Hoseok. Or kill the King. Or kill him. But for some reason what makes him worry is...what if they catch him? What if he then has to send him to die as well? He can't do that. This is too much.

He sees Jin walk closer to where Hobi is. He looks at Hope, who's still smiling. He looks at Tae, who's also smiling. Why do they look like a team? Why is Namjoon the only one that's alone? Why is he-

- Namjoon...- His father whispers close to him -...Your speech

- R-Right... People of Daegu! I am now your King and...and I...I uhhh...well I...

Jin looks up at him. He was supposed to stay covered but he's curious and confused. Namjoon always seemed so sure about his role, why is he doubting now?

Their eyes meet. Jin feels scared, in danger. And when Namjoon sees that, he finally understands everything. That's not what he wants to see in his eyes. He wants to make him smile. He wants to see that pretty expression Jin made when he kissed him days ago. So then...he does what his heart asks him to do.

- I give up my powers as a King.

- What?! - The King is the first one to react - Namjoon, what do you think you're doing?!

- This crown is for the one who knows what his people wants. And that is no one else but - he turns around - Kim Taehyung

His little brother points at himself completely shocked. And everyone watching starts getting excited. They can trust Tae. In the last few days he talked to them to help them bring Jin back and free Hobi. A plan that apparently won't be needed anymore.

- Yes! Bring the Young Prince!

- We want Taehyung!

Namjoon smiles. He knows this is the right choice. And he never thought this would feel so well. Tae gets closer to him and he makes sure to put the crown on his head. Is safe to say that Taehyung has no idea what to do next. So Namjoon whispers next to him

- Your first order, Tae...

- M-My first o-order is-

- Stop! - The King feels frustrated- He can't be King, he doesn't know how to!

- Shut up you son of a-

- You're right. - Namjoon interrupts the people that complain about it - My brother has not been prepared the same way I was. He doesn't know how to talk to other leaders or how to deal with certain things...yet. Which is why I offer myself as his counselor - The people isn't sure if they can trust him - And to make sure your voice will be heard I propose to have a second counselor. And I'll name Kim Seokjin to take that position.

Silence. Everyone turns their heads to look at Jin. Of course even if the guards didn't know he was there, everyone else did.

- Have you all gone mad?!

- Father - Taehyung looks at him - I believe I didn't give you permission to speak, did I?

The former King can't do more than shut up and stay back feeling frustrated.

Slowly and not sure how much he should trust the man he loves, Jin walks up to them. He stands next to Tae still avoiding to talk. And once there when he confirms this is real, he looks at him again. But the Prince is avoiding his eyes. Namjoon had the courage to do this...but he can't stare at him yet. Maybe scared of what he could do if he does.

- My first order bring back the project to help our Orphanage and lower our people's taxes! And my second order...

- Only one is fine, brother

- No, you can keep going Tae - Jin contradicts Namjoon - you're doing great

Both counselors smile. Yes, they still have a different way of ruling...but they can do it together now.

- My second order is to free Jung Hoseok as long as he doesn't oppose the least not before talking to me first about our people's problems.

Now, Hope was ready for many things. Dying. Being saved by Jin. The end of the world. But he never thought he was gonna end up free of guilt in front of everyone. And by Taehyung's orders nonetheless!

Hearing the new King's orders, they all cheer and smile...except for his father, of course. Tae doesn't even try to hide the smile he sends to Jungkook. And if he's not being obvious enough he makes sure to give him one kiss in front of all of Daegu.

- Damn, bunny boy is not dumb at all! Keeping a Prince to himself

- Why do they keep calling you bunny?

- Just ignore it, Tae

By the end of the ceremony is time to enter the castle again. And Jin can't help walking a little behind the rest. But Namjoon waits for him. Mostly because he's scared the other might run away again.

- N-Namjoon...

The Prince turns to look at him. He really missed his voice.

- Yes?

- Uhmm...thanks

Namjoon could laugh seeing the other so out of words. But he simply smiles and nods. They might need a little more time...and the Prince will wait for him as long as necessary.

Next Chapter

You still owe me a kiss

You're dating the King of Daegu!

Hey...wanna have a coffee?


Welcome to the plot twist! Honestly, in the first version I wrote of the story Jin and Namjoon were gonna be Kings together. But Tae ended up being smarter and kinder and with more balls than his brother hahahahah

Sorry for taking an extra day! And don't worry we'll have more Namjin and Yoonmin and Taekook next chapter!

See you on Tuesday!

- Baby Y

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