Ch. Fifty Five 👑

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Fifteen minutes before 12...

Jimin's feet hurt from dancing so much. He always loved music and the ball is making him smile more than ever. Tae is making sure for him to have the time of his life. Jimin danced with him, with half the nobles there and even with Namjoon!

He can truly see how well his best friend planned everything. Everything there seemed to be made for him. The food, the decorations, the music...the only thing missing is him...

Oh, he would love to dance with him. And soon he will! In Busan he makes the rules! While all the guests talk and laugh and dance he walks up the stairs. It's not that he's tired already. But he wants some fresh air on his last night here.

He opens the big cristal door that leads to one of the many balconies and he smiles. The moon shines bright and the landscape is beautiful. He can't help to hum a song feeling like the happiest boy in the world.

Suddenly, he hears someone get close. Maybe another guest coming to talk to him or ask him to go back. But when he turns around his eyes go wide. Standing there with a serious face that he ignores, is the boy he's been thinking about.

- Suga!

His smile appears naturally but just as quickly he panics. As fast as he can he closes the curtains so no one can see he's there with him. Scared and whispering he gets closer to him.

- What are you doing?! What if someone comes here?! Are you crazy?!

A noise coming from the hallway makes him do the first thing that pops on his head. After all, no one would interrupt him if they saw him kissing someone else. So that's exactly what he does.

Yoongi enjoys every second of the kiss. He holds himself from pulling the Prince closer. He can't do that. There's no way back now. This is the last kiss he'll enjoy from him.

Despite being a little nervous seeing him there, Jimin shows a smile. He wanted to do that so much. If it wasn't so dangerous he would take him inside to dance with him. Hell, he wouldn't mind dancing right here. But he knows he can't.

- I'm happy to see you but you shouldn't have come here! We'll see each other again in a few hours! Don't worry I won't leave you behind hahaha

Yoongi swallows hard. Here it comes.

- I'm not going to Busan.

- What? But Suga we-

- Shut up.

Jimin seems taken aback by his attitude. But Yoongi knows. He knows that if he explains everything kindly Jimin will insist. He knows that Jimin goes after what he wants without caring about any danger. Just like he went after Tae all the way to Seoul.

But he also knows...that if you break his heart he will never talk to you again. Just like he did with Taemin. And after what he's about to do... it's better if Jimin never gets close to him again.

- Suga, please! If this is because you need any kind of help you know I'll do anything for-

The knife softly touching his neck makes him keep quiet. Yoongi tries his best not to show how hard this is for him. He really tries to keep his tone of voice neutral. And then, he lies.

- I don't want a stupid Prince's charity. You wouldn't understand what we really need. And you know as well as I do that a Prince and a thief can't be together

Jimin tries his best to understand. He tries not to get mad with his words. The tears are close to falling

- Suga... Please, don't do this. I wanna be with you. I don't care what you've done before. For me you're much more than this

Yoongi has to really try not to lose it. He can't fall for those beautiful eyes. Even if he would love to. The pained expression Jimin shows breaks his heart

- Give me your jewels. All of them. Now.

The Prince can hardly do what he's told. But it's in the moment the knife accidentally cuts his mother's necklace making it fall, that he finally reacts. The exact way Yoongi was expecting.

With no delicacy at all, he takes off his rings and gives them to him half angry half disappointed.

- Here. Take them. You're a coward, Suga. A fucking coward. You think I don't know you're lying? I'm not gonna just believe you changed your mind about me in two days. I know you're pretending. But this is what you want? Fine. You want me to hate you? Done. I would've fought against all of Daegu for you. But if you can't even ask me for help instead of threatening me, then here. Take my things and walk away. Leave me alone just like everyone who once asked for my hand did.

Yoongi was prepared for hearing it. But it doesn't make it any better. He knew provoking him was gonna work out. He believes Jimin can now move on with his life.

- Go back to Busan. And don't come back here

Jimin feels the tears roll down his cheeks. But instead of acting according to his head, he follows his heart when he sees Yoongi walk back inside the castle. He holds his hand pulling him back before he can do anything stupid

- Wait! There's guards there, you idiot!

Yoongi seems taken aback. Even after all he just said to him Jimin's trying to protect him. He really is a stupid prince. A beautiful, caring, perfect and stupid Prince. Why does he have to be this way? He makes it harder for him

- Stay here - Yoongi says - Do not go back inside

He pushes a confused Jimin back out and closes the door. It takes the Prince a few seconds to realize what's happening. He tries to open the door but he can't. Through the glass he watches him walk down the stairs until he can't see him anymore.

And maybe, Yoongi is a coward for him. But he? He starts kicking the door. Even after all of this, he has to go in with him. He has to help. Because Park Jimin doesn't know when to give up.

Next Chapter

You're just as disrespectful as the first day I saw you

I love you, Jin

------------------------------------------------------ broken is your heart right now? I hope not much. Save some for next chapter hahaha

Well, I hope you're enjoying so far! I'll see you on Tuesday!

P.S: Super proud of our boys performing in the UN and the song with Coldplay is so pretty~

- Baby Y

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