Ch. Sixty Six 👑

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Chanyeol yawns for the hundredth time today. Since his brother came back to Busan he can hardly get any sleep. He's constantly taking care of him and Jungkook. He could very much use some free time. But a King has many things to do. And he's reminded of that when he sees a guard come his way.

- Oh, no. Now what? Please don't tell me I have another meeting with the nobles today

- No, Sir. It's just... someone came to visit. They ask to see you

The King sighs, tired. But he follows his guard anyway. However, there's no one from Busan waiting for him. And he can't help a smile come out as he sees him...well, them

- You're back! Oh, and I see you brought some company

- Chanie...can we ask you a favor?

After a long warm bath, Jimin goes back to his room. The only things he's been doing these days are sleeping, crying, eating, crying, writing to Taehyung and nothing else...Oh, and crying.

A knock on the door makes him open his eyes, even though he was ready to fall asleep again without even putting some clothes on. He makes sure to cover himself with a blanket and allowes his brother to come in.

- Minnie?...Someone came to see you~

- Tell them I'm not home

- A King should never lie, Jiminie. Besides...I think it's a marriage proposal!

- Now? Who the hell comes uninvited and out of nowhere to ask for my hand?!

- An idiot - He whispers-...But he's new in Busan! He seems like a very humble boy. And he brought a dozen roses...Just like you always dreamed, Minnie

- I don't wanna go. - He hugs himself - I don't wanna see anybody, ever again.

- Oh, c'mon don't be like this! You should at least give him a decent rejection. Or who knows?! Maybe he's the love of your life!

- Does it even matter who he is? He'll leave me as soon as he has the chance. That's how men are

- You are a man too, Jiminie...And now that I think about it, so am I!

- We don't count

Chanyeol can't help to laugh and Jimin finally shows a very faint smile. Is not much but it's something.

- Well, stop complaining and hurry up. Min can't wait forever

Jimin lets out a deep breath and puts on the first clothes he finds. Min? He never heard that last name before. He really is someone new in Busan.

He walks down the stairs and sees a man turned around. Poor guy, he comes to see Jimin thinking he'll look like a beautiful Prince...but right now he looks like a complete mess. His eyes are still red from crying in the bath and his face is all puffy. Jimin feels bad for him seeing him like this.

From what he sees he looks like a short boy pretty much his same hight. His suit looks beautiful and looks a lot like one of the suits Taehyung has. But he's probably just imagining things. His friend didn't answer a single letter so far.

- Excuse me...Min...

- Yoongi. - He turns around - My name is Min Yoongi

Jimin stays completely shocked. The words don't come out at first. It's him. But...he can't be. There's no way. Taking advantage of the Prince's state, Yoongi gets closer and gives him the flowers. Only after taking them and smelling the sweet scent of roses he can talk. But only a stupid question comes out

- Do you have a twin?

It's ridiculous. It's not a lost brother o someone that just happens to look like him. The scar near his eye is proof enough. But he just can't find any sense in what's happening

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now