Ch. Fifty 👑

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Is time to go back to Daegu. Namjoon's father left the very same night of the wedding unable to handle the frustration. But the three princes...they decided to stay for a little bit longer. Especially the Kim brothers. Some days away from stress sounded as good as they were.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook made sure to have as much fun as possible. And surprisingly, Namjoon was included. He enjoyed seeing his brother smile, having Jimin talk to him like a friend and Jungkook treat him like part of the family. And at the end of the day talking and sleeping next to Jin became a common thing.

But now, the holidays are over and duty calls. However, since the King is not near the five of them decide to share a carriage. Joking and talking the time flies. In a moment he connects eyes with Jin and without thinking he winks.

To say seeing Jin blush makes him happy is an understatement. These days he couldn't help but think maybe he should make a move on the Chef. Well, aside from sharing a bed and making his cheeks go red of course.

He knows this is a stupid thought. There are other things he should be focused on. His kingdom needs him and he can't go around chasing a Chef. But...that doesn't stop him from thinking about it.

At the same time, Jin can't keep hiding the fact that Namjoon made him fall in a way he didn't want to. He can't be sure when was the exact moment the other took over his head. But now all he thinks about is that dimple smile, that deep voice, that charming clumsiness. This is getting out of hand and maybe...he could let it happen.

The atmosphere inside the carriage is comfortable and happy. Something that ends the very moment they enter Daegu. Confused, they stare at each other noticing they stopped but the castle is far away.

The very thought of being robbed makes Taehyung scared. Jimin shows no emotion. He knows his lil meow meow would never rob him again. And Namjoon... he's ready to defend his friends - and his Chef - with his life.

The two Kim brothers are nervous and feel tense thinking about what might be going on outside the carriage. None of them knowing a thief is actually sitting with them and the other two feel completely safe.

Namjoon can't take it and opens a small window. A worried guard gets closer to him. And Jin of course makes sure to listen .

- Why aren't we moving? What's going on?

- I-It's the people, Sir...they're asking for Taehyung...

Namjoon frowns. He won't leave anyone hurt his little brother. And Taehyung couldn't be more scared than he already is. However, Jin is always faster than the rest and a smile crosses his lips

- Let them get close

- Chef! Are you an idiot?

- Tae - he ignores Namjoon - will you listen to your people?

- U-Uh I-I...S-Sure

Before they can think about taking that back they find themselves surrounded by commoners. And Taehyung... he's not ready for it but he enjoys every second

- Young Prince! You have to help us!

- M-Me?

- Yes! - Someone else answers - you helped us and protected us before!

- You're the only one we trust!

While Tae and Jin experience a proud feeling for their actions, Namjoon feels the exact opposite. He's glad they love his brother but he's not the King. Namjoon is the one they should trust. He studied hard for this. Actually this is the first time he sees something like this! The people loving a royal family member? How?!

- You wrote the project! You can help us!

- Please, Young Prince we need you!

Despite the beautiful feeling Taehyung doesn't know what to do. He's never been in this situation. He's never been seen as a leader by anyone. As they all stare at him he starts to get nervous. But Jin whispers loud enough for him to hear

- Ask what the problem is

- R-Right! So...What seems to be the p-problem?

God, he's never been this nervous. But the people don't care. An honest Prince is better than a strong looking one.

- Your father! He said the project would be stopped since there was no wedding

- It's ridiculous Young Prince! The war was stopped! Then what's the problem?!

Taehyung is surprised hearing it. But his brother isn't. Of course it was cancelled. That project was insane. The nobles would've never agreed to it if it wasn't for the wedding. If the war stops anyways, there's no excuse to keep it going.

- I forgot how this was like...- Namjoon says in a whisper but Jin hears him - My people! As your future King I'll take care of it!

They don't cheer for him. If anything they wait for Taehyung to say something against it. But the little brother trusts Namjoon more than himself.

- H-He's right! Don't worry! We... He'll take care of it!

The people aren't really convinced but they want to give them a chance. Of course, if they fail... they'll have to take matters into their own hands.

The people move from the road and the trip continues. Namjoon doesn't feel so good. His father always told him to look strong and be straightforward with everyone. He's the future King, he needs everyone to know no one can walk over him. However, his thoughts are interrupted.

- You'll fix it, right Tae?

Jin shows his brightest smile. He trusts the Young Prince. And this is a very delicate issue that needs to be solved. If he takes the people's side then Jin can finally rest and won't need to steal anymore!

Namjoon wants to see that smile looking at him one day. He wants Jin to see him as someone who will take care of everything. Someone he can trust

He makes a decision. Maybe he needs to show the people his strong cold side but not to Jin. He's different. And only he can be an exception to the rule. That can't be that hard. After all Jin would never confront him...right?

Next Chapter

Don't worry! He made a promise!

This will be the biggest celebration in history!


Missed me? Hahaha honestly this was gonna be up yesterday and I fell asleep. But here it is!

We're finally on the beginning of the end! See you on Tuesday!

- Baby Y

P.S: And a late happy birthday to our smart, awesome, talented, president, Namjoonie!

S: And a late happy birthday to our smart, awesome, talented, president, Namjoonie!

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