Ch. Forty Seven 👑

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- Does it matter who thought about it?  Listen, father, it all turned out perfectly! What's the big deal? Taehyung won't have to marry, we're not going to war, we saved a dying prince and

- And you helped a revolution!! Namjoon...the people can't have our support when they go against the ones in power. They have to know their place!

- Yes, father

A part of him knows the rebels were more than helpful. But he can't argue with the King. He's right. What if something like this ever happens to him? He'll probably go crazy.

The talk with his father is long and tiring. But eventually it ends and he can finally go meet his brother. However he is stopped when he's about to enter the room and a guard talks

- Sir. Kim is not alone and doesn't want to be bothered

- He's with Jimin? That's okay, I-

- No, Sir. He's with...uhmmm...a guard

Namjoon suppresses a smile. Seems like his brother's love is not one sided. He wonders if he'll ever experience something like that...And with that thought he remembers someone he needs to meet as well.

Slowly entering the kitchen he hears two very loud laughs. There, Jin and Minhyuk drink some white wine like having the time of their lives. He can't believe he judged Jin just for being a Chef. He's definitely smarter than he would've suspected before.

- Having fun?

- Namjoon! - Minhyuk forgets to treat him formally - You were amazing! Helping Jimin? You looked like a real man of the people!

- And helping the rebels! That was awesome!

- Helping them was not the plan, it just happened really

The smiles fall. Minhyuk can sense Jin's frustration after hearing the tone Namjoon used. How is it possible that even now he can't give them credit? Minhyuk decides to leave after giving a short excuse. And once more, the Prince and the Chef stay alone.

- They were amazing, weren't they?

- Who? The nobles? I mean-

- The rebels, Namjoon. They were incredible. They were less than the guards but their passion was bigger and they made them tremble!

- I- I don't deny that - he feels a little attacked - Y-You're really passionate about this uh? Haha

Jin nods and Namjoon can't help to ask what he's been thinking for a few hours now

- Chef...about Seungmin...

- What about him?

- Well you...kind of betrayed him didn't you? I mean he helped us and stopped poisoning Taemin these last few days

- Ugh, yeah. But he didn't do it for a fair reason. He did for money. Money he did not need. He had gold rings he would wear once the cooking was over. There were a million reasons to take our side. But he only did it when I showed him some jewels

- Yeah but...the nobles did pretty much the same. The only reason why they took our side is because we gave them something in exchange!

- Yes and they should go to jail but Taemin won't allow it

For a second the Prince feels uncomfortable. He looks so must be a joke, right?

- Hahahaha Oh, Chef... you totally sounded like a rebel just now hahahah you won't bring a revolution on me back in Daegu right?

- D-don't be ridiculous haha ha...

Will he ever do that though? That depends. Will Namjoon change his way of seeing the world? He can have a little faith...maybe...not much...He prefers not to think about it now. The Prince gets closer - much closer- to him getting his attention again

- You can sleep now, Chef

- W-what?

- You're tired. I can tell. Did you sleep at all these last few days?

- Well...define "sleep"

- God, you really don't take much care of yourself, do you? You were thinking too much!

- Yeah, and that's why everything turned out great - he mumbles- You don't sleep much either!

- True...And I'll sleep even less when we return. I'll soon take the throne and I have to be ready for the big day

- Oh, I see...I guess you'll be really stressed now

- Yeah, but I could have a day off...and you should use some time to relax as well...Why don't know...

- You wanna take a walk with me again?

- No, actually I was thinking something a little... different. We could just - he takes his hands- rest for today...

Following Namjoon, Jin was expecting many things. But he never thought it would be so...literal. Somehow, they end up in the Prince's room. And yeah, maybe Namjoon simply wants to hold him in his arms once more. But this not a bad excuse! They do need some sleep!

- So...a nap? That's your plan to relax?

- Is there anything better than sleeping after a long day? - he gets in bed with his clothes on - Especially with someone you like

- S-someone you w-what?

- Someone talking to? A friend! Yeah

And Namjoon thinks Jin suspects nothing. But the Chef's fast beating heart says otherwise. He knows falling for a Prince like him can't end well. And he tries his best to ignore that feeling inside him. Without other words they lie down close to each other.

It doesn't take long for Jin to doze off. His body gives up completely and his eyes close on their own. Without even realizing he gets closer to Namjoon, so he can finally rest his head on his chest. And the other can't complain. With a slow movement he hugs Jin by the waist and pulls him even closer. His lips look so tempting from his perspective but he stops himself from doing something stupid.

Really, hugging Kim Seokjin could give him the energy to rule 20 kingdoms. And now that he's so close to him, he hopes to never let go.

And he can dream about this...but Daegu might wake him up.

Next Chapter

Tae, let's never do this again

Wait! What about Jimin?


Are y'all ready to go back to Daegu? 'cause we'll enter the final part of the story there!

But first, I'll give you some Taekook, so see you tomorrow for a pretty fluffy chapter!

Have a nice Thursday, remember to drink water!

- Baby Y

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