Ch. Fifty Eight 👑

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*There's double update today! So wait for another chapter later!*

Desperately, Namjoon enters the kitchen. The sword on his hand ready for him to defend the Chef he fell in love with. However, there's hardly any thieves in there anymore. Only one or...two? Suga sounds out of breath talking to Jin

- They have Hobi! We have to go back!

- You're not going back there!

Namjoon doesn't want to think about what's happening. About why he's talking to Jin. There must be a misunderstanding. He gets close to Yoongi, ready to kill him for what he tried to do but Jin gets in between the two. His eyes teary but determined at the same time.

- Yoon, run

- B-But Jin

- Go!

The thief curses under his breath and leaves the other two alone. Namjoon wants to go after him but Jin won't let him pass.

- Chef, what are you doing?! Do you know who that is?! Look, you don't have to worry about me okay? I'll be fine. I'll take care of that son of a-

- Don't you dare touch my brother

- He's not your bro-

He finally sees what he doesn't want to see.

- You're with them...

There's no time for Jin to explain anything when the guards try to enter the kitchen. He has to run. But Namjoon can't be left without answers and leaving his sword fall, he runs after him. It's not long before he catches him, holding his hand in a last attempt at understanding.

- Wait, Jin! I-It's not true, you're not-

- I'm not what, Namjoon? Poor? A commoner? A thief? I'm each and every single one of those things

- W-Why?! H-How can you do something like this?!

- Like this?! Like... showing the Future King that his Kingdom is starving?! Like feeding and helping those you leave behind?

- B-But... B-But you don't need this! You could've talked to me, I would've helped you!

- I know!

They share a moment of silence. Namjoon is confused and drowning in his own emotions.

- I know you would've helped me. Remember what you said before? I know Namjoon would help me. And those ten minutes with him will stay with me forever. But you're not just're our future King. And you're against me here

- Against you? Jin...who are you really?

- I'm Kim Seokjin...Third leader of the Hope group. I stole from every noble in your castle. And I helped every poor person in your Kingdom.

That is something that he usually says to himself. Proudly. Happy to be who he is. Happy to do what he does. But right now? The tears won't stop falling with every word. He never thought this would hurt so much. He wishes he could be ignorant, like Namjoon was until now. He would like to forget about the people that trust him and only focus on the beautiful Prince in front of him. But he can't.

- Jin...

- I saved your brother's life. And I know that doesn't give me the right to ask you for anything but...I need you to do the same for me. Please. Please Namjoon, let Hobi get away with this. I can take his place if it's necessary but-

- No.

Jin tries to insist but they can hear the guards getting closer and closer. Jin can't leave his friend there. It was his plan, he should be the one paying for it if anything goes wrong

- Please, Namjoon

- Leave

Namjoon tries not to sound as hurt as he feels and talks in a firm tone.

- Forget about Hope. Forget about Daegu. And forget about me. My guards will look for you through heaven and earth if you don't leave right now

- B-But Namjoon, Hobi is

- You chose to save my brother. But I choose to save you

Despite everything, he says it with a serious expression. Maybe because he knows he will fall apart if he shows him how he really feels. They share one last sad look and Jin runs away. A few seconds later the guards find Namjoon but he guides them in a different direction. He wants to be mad at Jin. He wants to hate him for what he did. But for some reason, he can't. He just feels guilty. And wonders if Jin feels the same way...

Near the lake Jin and Yoongi hug each other, crying.

- His mother took him, Jin! W-We have to help him!

- No, you have to go. I'll take care of it

- What? What are you talking about?!

- Namjoon is right. They'll look for us through heaven and earth. And you are easy to spot with that scar. We have to run for now. I'm sure they won't kill him yet. And I'll come back for him when it's time, I promise

- B-But Jin we-

- Hey, stop crying - He says even though he's crying as well- when have I ever failed you? I will never let anything happen to you pair of idiots. Trust your Hyung, Yoongi

He tries to smile. The truth is he won't let anything happen...even if he has to pay for it. Yoongi soon realizes something and panics as he talks again

- Wait...where are we gonna go meanwhile? We can't stay in Daegu

- Well, I was thinking Jimin could

- No. He...I can't go with him

- Uh? Why? I'm sure he will...- he sees the look on Yoongi's face- oh God Yoon...You were supposed to explain him. Did he not understand or...what did you do?

- What I had to do

- Well...still Jimin won't give up on you so easily. Even if you don't ask him to he'll probably go after you

- He won't, believe me. But even if he does...I know where we can go!

- You go there, Yoon. I think it's better if we part ways for now

- Then...where are you gonna go?

- Someone owes me a favor. And he'll welcome you too if you ever need to come.

They share one last warm hug. Both of them feeling a little lonely without the third leader. Both of them with guilt and regret building up inside. They try to smile once more. And then, they run.

Next Chapter

Since when do you know him, Jimin?

Hobi doesn't deserve to die and you know it.


So, how many of you know where is Yoongi going? And where is Jin going?

We'll have a double update! So in an hour or so I'll update again. Because you know...20k C:

By the way! Sorry if I don't answer every comment. My anxiety kind of keeps me from answering hahaha I'm always scared of "god they'll think I'm an idiot". But I do love you! Hahaha and I answer every DM about anything so...yeah!

See you in a little bit!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें