Ch. Fifty four 👑

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Jungkook can't keep his eyes closed for more than five seconds. He doesn't know what time it is but it's impossible for him to sleep right now. After the little time he spent with the thieves he can't help to feel nervous.

He doesn't know what their plan is but he knows they're not happy with how things are now. At first he was waiting for Jin, being sure that he would calm them down. But even though the Chef didn't say anything bad about Tae...the comments he did about Namjoon were not good news.

Jin looked so disappointed in the future King. Jungkook was beyond surprised. Those two seemed closer after what happened in Seoul. But apparently, that wasn't enough.

The guard is pretty sure those thieves will go back to robbing the nobles any moment now. Everything will be just the way it was before they came here. And as long as they didn't meet Tae again, that wasn't so bad...maybe?

However the only thing that keeps popping up in his head is the short conversation he had with Jin. Right before he and Jimin had to leave. He learned something about the Chef he would've never expected.

- I thought you and Namjoon were getting along

- Me and him? Don't be ridiculous

- Why do I feel like you're lying to me?

Something in Jin's eyes looked different. His energy wasn't the same he always had. He looked... defeated. Sad. Broken. The tone in his voice when he mentioned reminded Jungkook of how he was with Tae. When he saw him after many years and realized how much Tae had changed he felt the same disappointment.

- You know, I thought Tae was gonna be a fucking idiot for the rest of his life when I saw him again. But look at him now. He changed!

- Where are you going with this?

- I do know Namjoon is... different. He's even more complicated but...some idiots can be nice sometimes, don't you think?

- Hmm...Hey, you can keep a secret right? One that you can't tell anyone. ANYONE. Not even Jimin or Tae.

- A-Another secret to keep from him?! I mean...Yes, I guess I can

- Namjoon...he...he's an asshole!

- Huh?

- He's an imbecile, good for nothing, heartless, stupid, son of a-

- Ah, you like him

Jin's face was completely red and he had to cover it up with his own hands.

- The only reason I'm telling you is because I know what I have to do. And I w-won't regret it! But...

- I'll know.

Some loves are impossible but that doesn't mean they should be forgotten.

The whole conversation with Jin felt surreal. But once more, Jungkook tries to ignore it and go back to sleep. He feels anxious about it but... he's calm about other things. Because he knows his love will work out. Unlike Jin, he has a Prince that will never leave him alone...or so he hopes.

As long as Tae never finds out he knows his favorite Chef is a thief. And on top of that, that he knows Jimin's love is one of them as well. Everything will be just fine.

The night of the ball

Finally, everything is ready. The lights in the castle can be seen from everywhere in town. It's the biggest ball they've ever organized. But as pretty as it all looks some people are not ready for what's gonna happen...or for what they're gonna do.

Taehyung and Jungkook share a kiss before heading downstairs. This is only the beginning for them. After tonight, Jungkook will never leave his side again. Even if they have to hide from the King, they'll find a way to stay happy.

Walking next to them, Jimin makes sure to look perfect. Not only for the big party but for the man he's meeting afterwards. The 'Blue Prince' of his dreams will go with him back to Busan and he can't wait for it.

In front of the mirror, Namjoon counts to ten. Slowly. Trying his best to stay calm. He rehearsed what he'll say to the nobles tonight. And also, he rehearsed what to say to Jin. He will apologize. He'll be honest about who he is and what he wants. A night with music and drinks seems to be perfect for telling him what he feels.

- I can't be the King you want, but I'll try to be the man you...God, I sound like an idiot

In the kitchen, Jin can hardly listen to what the cooks helping him are saying. His head is somewhere else completely. Minhyuk has a slight idea of what's about to happen. But apparently he's not part of the plan

- Minhyuk...

- Y-Yes, Jin?

- Make sure to be away from the kitchen by twelve o'clock. You don't have to get involved in this...

Minhyuk nods and wonders if he'll ever see Jin again after tonight.

Outside the castle, Yoongi waits for the time to pass quickly. The lights make the whole place look so beautiful. Is Busan as beautiful as Daegu? He can't help but to imagine it like the most perfect land on the planet. However, the gun he hides reminds him that's not a place he'll visit anytime soon.

Next to him Hobi can't keep his eyes off his friend. For the first time since they started all this, he feels uncomfortable with a plan. Not for the strategies. But for the sad look both Jin and Yoongi are carrying this time. All he can hope is that these two don't regret their decisions. Because there's no coming back from this one.

Next Chapter

I'm not going to Busan

You're a fucking coward, Suga


From "not at all" to "I'm scared" how ready are you for next chapter? Hahahaha

By the way, remember how a few weeks a go we hit 10k?....Well, we're at almost 20 now. What. The. Fuck.

I'm so so so so thankful with every single one of you! I love you, you're awesome and I hope you have the best Thursday ever!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora