Ch. Fifty Seven 👑

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Taehyung and Jungkook are having the best night of their lives. And thankfully the King isn't paying attention to them which makes them enjoy things twice as much. For a moment Taehyung thinks about dancing with his guard. Maybe if they could just hide for a moment...

But his thoughts are interrupted when the music stops. Confused he turns to look at the musicians only to find someone else between them. Someone that makes his blood freeze. There with his face covered just like last time, it's Hope. He can't confuse him with anyone else. Especially once he decides to speak.

- Sorry to ruin your party! But I had to see this with my own eyes!

Looking around the dance room, Taehyung realizes they're surrounded. There's more of them than last time. Some of them were probably showing their faces minutes earlier. But since no one looks at a servant's face...who could recognize them?

His first impulse is to hold Jungkook's hand. But when he turns to him he hears him whisper.

- What the hell are they doing?

Confused, he sees how his guard doesn't look scared at all. But he can't focus on him for more than a second before Hope talks again.

- And look at this! So much delicious food! Funny...we haven't been eating well in  weeks...

- Guards! - The King is tired of this nonsense - Get them! And get the leader!

The guards take their position ready to fight. But under his mask Hobi shows a big smile.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you... Suga!

His best friend gets closer to the center of the room. His face uncovered, showing the huge scar near his eye. And everyone there can see the gun in his hand. It's not easy to get one as a commoner and they're not used to them yet. Using them ain't that hard but you have to aim well in order to use the one bullet they have.

Yoongi raises his arm and now the gun aims directly at the King. If Tae was scared before, then it's hard to explain the panic he feels now. Especially when he sees the love of his life get closer to the armed thief.

What is wrong with him? Can't he see he's dangerous? He can't get closer to him like that! Without even thinking about what he's doing he gets equally close to Yoongi. But before he can take Jungkook out of there, he hears him talk

- Suga don't be stupid! Don't do this! There's no turning back after this! Not even Jimin can get you out of this one

Jimin? The Young Prince is completely confused now. Why would Jimin help him at all? If anything he should hate him! This is the same guy that entered the castle months ago a threatened him with a knife! Jimin would never help someone like that! But seeing how Yoongi does nothing more than swallowing hard, the guard continues

- You'll destroy any chance of a future with him, is that what you want?

The sound of a glass breaking makes all of them look up. And only a second later Jimin is standing on top of the stairs. A few cuts on his hands from breaking down the stupid glass door and a very desperate look on his eyes.

- Suga! - His voice sounds broken - Don't do this, please! Just run!

Jimin is well aware that if Yoongi pulls the trigger he'll lose his head. Yes, their plan would work. Namjoon would rule the Kingdom knowing who holds the real power. He'll have no choice but to do what his people want. But in the meantime Suga will have to hide forever or if he's found be sentenced to death. And he will never see him again.

Downstairs, Yoongi takes a deep breath. He knows what he has to do. In a soft whisper he finally talks back to Jungkook. Surprising both the guard and Taehyung

- Make him a sign for me, bunny boy. Tell my Prince to cover his eyes...

- Suga-

- And don't get close

Tae pulls Jungkook away. Nothing has any sense right now. Why are they talking like this? Why aren't they fighting? Why is Jimin crying his eyes out looking at the guy that almost kills him months ago?

Yoongi aims and closes his eyes. The gunshot is heard and more than one noble scream out of impulse. Even the King himself can't help his scared voice to come out.

But Jungkook wasn't the only one to see the fear and sadness in Yoongi's eyes. Someone else could sense his doubt. Hell...he noticed it before they got in the castle. And he knows this would ruin the life his best friend wants. Against his ideals and the fact that he would love to see the King die, Hoseok now stands in front of Yoongi. Holding his friend's wrist after pulling his hand aside for the shot. The King looks back to his throne, noticing the bullet whole in the middle.

- H-Hobi

- Don't cry, Yoongs...we gave them a message, brother. I'll kill him some other day

Despite having a mask Yoongi knows he has a comforting smile. It's only seconds after that the thieves try to protect their leaders just like the guards try to protect their King.

Jungkook pulls Tae away from all the confrontation. The Prince now sees the nobles being robbed by the thieves. They've done it so many times before they're experts by now. Meanwhile, some of them fight knowing their life depends on it. Looking around his eyes find his brother fighting fiercely against them.

Tae wants all of them to get arrested. And the door leading outside is well guarded. However, in a weird turn of events for him all the thieves go the opposite way to the door. All the way up to the kitchen.

The Kim brothers have the exact same thought. Jin. Still, even though they command the nobles to block their way to the kitchen none of them obeys. None of them cares about any life other than their own. Much less the life of a Chef. But Namjoon won't let them hurt Jin, so he runs after them.

In the dance room Hope does one final mocking bow to the King. Ready to run away with Suga. But before he can move a foot away someone holds him from the back. A woman. One that Taehyung would recognize anywhere. Miss Jung.

She always served their family well...well she had to since she never paid the huge debt she has. But this? This will make any debt be forgotten! She caught the leader of the Hope group! But something inside Taehyung breaks when she takes the mask off Hope. It's him. The boy he rejected years ago. The one that ended up in the orphanage. Jung Hoseok.

- Long time no see, son

Hobi can't help the chills running down his spine hearing her again. The woman that abandoned him. The one that made him hate nobles is now the same one that signed his death sentence.

Next Chapter

Jin...who are you really?

We can't stay in Daegu


Hi theeeere! So finally we have armed Yoongi. I love him. I still remember how I almost died when Daewchita came out.

Next one is time for Namjoon to put two and two together, so see you on Saturday!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now