Ch. Forty Eight 👑

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Jungkook and Tae can't say a word. Probably because they're too busy kissing each other. As Tae feels finally free and happy, Jungkook seems to be reminding himself everything is okay. Like trying to make sure Tae is still there. He didn't die. This is real.

A tear rolls down his face. To think he was so close to lose him. To never see his pretty eyes again. To never see that boxy smile he adores. If it wasn't for Taemin, he wouldn't have been able to save him. He couldn't do anything.

- Hey, Kookie stop crying! I'm fine! Look! Not a single scratch! Unlike you...

The guard has a few scars due to the fight but he can't even feel them. He tries to stay composed but he can't. And once more he goes for those lips, making sure they're still there.

- Tae...- Another kiss - Tae, let's never do this again

- D-Do what?

- Be away from each other. Scare the shit out of me. From now on I'm staying by your side for the rest of my pointless life

- Well, if you say it like that...I won't say no...

- Remember what you asked Felix? - His name comes out in a whisper - For me to be your personal guard? Let's do that. Here and in Daegu

- What? I mean, yeah sure but you'll have to go back to Busan eventuall-

- No. I'll stay with you. You are the love of my life, Tae. And I don't wanna live another minute of it away from you

- This is too much for my heart. Are you sure I didn't die and this is heaven? 'cause it in feels like it! I'm pretty sure this is what paradise is like

- Don't even say that please - he kisses him again - we're both we should do the best to have a nice life... together, right?

- Yes, Kookie - he can't believe this is finally happening - I would love that...Wait! What about Jimin?

- I'm sure he'll say yes if we ask him to let me go. He'll probably cry as always but...he always wanted us to be together, so he can't complain!

- Hahaha that's true... I'll make sure to visit him with you by my side every year. And of course he can come as well!

Taehyung tries his best not to think about his father. About how is he gonna tell him this guard is staying, without him suspecting anything. How to hide their relationship. And if he ever finds out?...No. This is not the time to think about that. And if anything happens, he now has a brother who will stand by his side.

Namjoon knows about his feelings. He saved him from a terrible wedding. He helped his best friend against the guards. And soon, he'll be the King of Daegu. Definitely he could have the power to help him out. Taehyung feels so happy he could die right now.

- Kookie, let's go outside! I wanna walk around town with you! I can't really do that in Daegu without getting robbed apparently

Jungkook doesn't want to remember the part of Tae that hates the thieves. So he just ignores the comment and agrees with him. All that matters to him right now is how both of them are alive and in love.

The people of Seoul sees them walk holding hands. It almost looks like they're telling the world about their relationship. As long as the King doesn't find out, they'll enjoy every second of it.

- Prince Taehyung! I'm glad to see you smile! Thanks for everything!

- Prince Kim! Have a great day! Please come back to visit whenever you want!

- He's the one that heard you when you where locked? Damn...Princes are handsome

He can hardly believe the things he hears. Some rebels get close to thank him. Others who he can't recognize talk about him with smiles on their faces. Taehyung feels so good. This is beautiful. The people here are amazing! He feels loved by them...and loved by the boy next to him as well.

They stop by a small lake. Last time he enjoyed a landscape like this he had to come back home on his underwear. He feels annoyed thinking about it. But he tries to push that thought down. There are beautiful things he can focus on right now. The laughs, the smiles, the kisses and the pretty words fill the place.

- Kookie...I think this was the best day of my life... Except for the morning. I almost lost my head but that aside, great day!

- Hahaha if you can smile after that, you must be really be having a good time

- You know...I like this. Being outside with you, without being judged by nobles or hated by the people. I think we could come here to visit and have some holidays every now and then.

- It feels like you wanna live here

- Yeah, it's just that I feel

- With you by my side I'm more than free, you give me wings

- Wow, you're really cheese today huh?

He tries to joke with it, but the truth is his cheeks are completely red and he loves every word. They look at the sunset, with an orange, pink and purple sky. Sitting next to each other, Tae's head resting on Jungkook's shoulder. Today, they're unable to imagine this could ever end. Because it won't...right?

Next Chapter

You see, Felix's was my idea

Oh, God you must think I'm crazy


They are so cuuuute. This was so soooooooft. Next chapter though...

Remember when I said Jimin didn't snap "yet"?...Well...see you tomorrow!

- Baby Y

Thief - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now