Ch. Forty nine 👑

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Next to his old desk Taemin sits on a chair, smiling. He loves being out of bed finally. Even if he can't stay standing yet, this is good enough for him to feel strong. And he needs that strength for what's about to come.

In front of him, the love of his life and a kind of uncomfortable rebel stand. He'll start with the easiest part.

- Suga, right? - He nods - Ah, I'm really grateful with you! I can't thank you enough for helping my Jiminie

- No need to thank me. I would do anything for my Prince

Despite feeling slightly annoyed Yoongi fake smiles. Taemin on the other hand, doesn't feel attacked. He's not dumb, he can see Yoongi has the same intentions as him with Jimin. But...young Park had hundreds of princes and nobles in love, one more boy won't make the difference.

- Still, I insist. If you ever need help in any way, a place to stay or anything, you can come with me. As long as you respect our neutrality in certain aspects, of course

Yoongi thanks him as kindly as possible. Even if he knows he does not want to come back here, unless is next to Jimin. But if not...he prefers to stay as far from the King as he can. Especially when he hears him talk again

- Jiminie...- He begins his speech -...You have no idea how much I missed you. I believe thinking about you is what kept me alive all this time. And I would love to ask you to marry me right now, to live our lives together but...I have to tell you something first

Jimin is completely red. Taemin has always been sweet and clear about his feelings. But he's never been this straight forward about it. And he's not sure how to feel. A part of him is excited but...for some reason something doesn't feel right. And it gets even worse when he continues.

- You see, Felix's was my idea. We wanted more power and...and... we were young and stupid, we thought it was a good idea!

He feels ashamed admitting it but he knows it's what's right.

- don't have to tell me all this, I know you're not a bad person. You realized your mistake before you did anything! It's okay!

- The thing is...this was one part of the plan, Jiminie. He was gonna marry Tae and 'take care' of Namjoon. But I...I was gonna marry you...and I would take care of Chanyeol

Jimin can't understand or maybe he doesn't want to

- C-Chanie? M-my brother?

- I was so close to you I took my chance. That's why-

- That's why he got so sick out of nowhere that time. - His voice sounds completely different - While I was crying in your arms seeing him die, you were the one killing him

The once sweet and soft Prince that was standing in front of them is gone. His eyes show a side of him no one ever saw. Yoongi can't blame him, he would also be pissed off if anyone ever tried to hurt his 'brothers'

- But I stopped! I didn't do it, Jiminie! When I saw you cry I realized it was wrong and I regret everything because...I love you

Yoongi sees Jimin get closer, turning his back on Taemin. The Prince stands in front of Yoongi, with his eyes looking down and his hands forming fists.

- Don't say those words.

- But they're the truth! I changed for you because I truly love you...

Yoongi feels Jimin's hands get closer to his waist. For a moment he thinks he's coming for a hug. And he's about to give it to him, when he realizes something is missing. Taking his small knife, Jimin pulls away from him and goes back to Taemin.

The tears in his eyes make the King swallow hard. And fear gets to him when he feels the cold blade against his neck

- My Prince, wait!

He tries to stop him but the look Jimin gives him makes him freeze. He never thought those eyes could save so much hate. A string of blood rolls down Taemin's neck stoping him from saying another word.

- You had my brother's life in your hands like it was nothing. And I do thank you for letting him live. Just like you should thank me today for not sending you straight to hell. Your Jiminie has the balls Felix didn't have and could kill you without a second thought. But. My brother is a kind and neutral man. I follow his steps. The only reason you're alive today is because of him. So I hope you spend the rest of your life remembering him

Finally, he lets him go and stabs the knife on the desk. Walking away like if nothing have happened but with white knuckles from clenching his fists, he says one last thing.

- I don't ever want to see you again. Ever.

Closing the door as loudly as possible, the King and Yoongi stay almost freezed. It's obvious Taemin can hardly keep himself from crying. He feels destroyed and broken hearted but maybe he deserves it. Yoongi takes his knife back and right before he can leave the room he hears him talk.

- Take care of him. I know he must be feeling terrible right now...and I can't really be helpful at all

- I think... he'll forgive you someday. Just, not today.

He doesn't know why he said it, but Taemin almost feels like smiling hearing it. Because he really hopes for that to be truth.

Walking through the halls trying his best not to punch a wall Jimin walks at fast pace. Until someone finally catches up with him.

- My Prince! Hey, stop! - He holds his hand - don't ignore me...

- I'm... I'm sorry. Oh God, you must think I'm crazy, it's just that...he was using me to hurt the ones I love! I hate being used! I just want to...ugh!

- Hey, it's okay. It's over. You scared the shit out him and it's over. No one will ever do that to you again...

Jimin only nods unable of saying anything else. Yoongi sighs and lets him know he has to go.

- Even if I would love to stay here, I can't wait for a carriage. I need to go back today...but I'll be ready to meet you again back in Daegu

- Yeah...thank you...

He sounds a little lost. The sad feeling of losing who he thought was a friend finally gets to him. Yoongi walks away a few steps but...seeing him there overthinking everything...

Without a warning, Jimin feels two arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips kiss his softly. He stays shocked for a second but then follows the slow kiss, enjoying it and forgetting what he was previously thinking about.

- I'm s-sorry. B-But your kisses really helped through some hard times this week...I thought maybe this could help you, My Prince

- Yes...- he smiles - how many kisses did I give you these days?

- F-Four

- Okay, owe me three, my love~

And Yoongi has to go but back in Daegu he can't wait to give them back to him. Everything will be fine, as long as he remembers to never hurt Park Jimin...

Next Chapter

Why are we stopping?

I forgot what this was like

Yes, this was supposed to be up yesterday. But I had a terrible day and I just wanted to sleep and listen to music.

I feel good now! So here you have an angry Jiminie! Next chapter we go back to Daegu and we enter the final part of the story!

- Baby Y

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