Light me up again

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- October 28th 2024 -

"Do I have to come in or not?" Leslie asked a few moments later while they were still driving towards the facility.

"I don't think so, but we'd like you to." Carina explained turning towards her daughter on the backseats.

"But is it really gonna be like that? I mean it kind of feels like we're going to the grocery store to pick vegetables." Leslie added leaning forward to change the song that was playing in the car.

"Don't do that please." Maya immediately spoke pushing her softly backwards.

"Sorry." Leslie spoke leaning back on the seat.

Maya had been pretty careful lately while driving. She would never answer the phone even if it were connected to the car, or move her sight from the road and definitely did not want anyone to worry about music.
No distractions while driving, not anymore.

"What if he doesn't like firefighting?" The girl asked after a few moments of silence.

"What if he doesn't like older sisters that ask dumb questions?" Maya teased earning a soft punch on her arm by her daughter.

"Careful." The blonde laughed a little still keeping eyes on the road.

"Mamma." Joy spoke while holding her little stuffed elephant.

"Dimmi bambina." Carina answered preparing herself for the question.

"Am I still your piccolina?" Joy asked, slurring her words a little. Carina giggled and turned slightly towards her baby.

"You will always, sempre, be my baby girl." The italian answered reaching for her daughter to tickle her and make her laugh.

"Carina turn please." Maya softly asked her wife who nodded following her advice and reached for her wife's hand.

They arrived a few minutes later and Leslie helped Joy out of the car, scooping her up on her hip.

"We could stay outside here, to play a little." The girl told her mothers pointing towards the swings and slide.

"Okay bambina. But be careful please." Carina nodded before following her wife inside the building.

They had signed the applications to become foster or adoptive parents around a month ago, a little after their vacation in Italy. They decided to take this road after an appointment with Doctor Wilson that confirmed Carina shouldn't have tried to have another pregnancy. Maya didn't even think about the option that she could carry their next baby and was extremely glad when her wife didn't even brought it out.
Plus they both agreed that their family needed a boy and that plenty of babies were waiting for a family. It was now the time to give it to one of them.

"Mrss Bishop-Deluca. I'm so glad to see you here again. How is your family?" Ms Crawley asked once the couple had entered her office, gesturing them to take a seat.

"Great thank you. Leslie is outside playing with Joy on the swings, I hope that's not a problem." Carina explained giving the woman a caring smile.

"Of course not. Those are there for that exact reason." The redhead woman smiled back gathering some papers on her desk, including a few pictures.

"I'm gonna ask you two very important questions now and I hope you'll be honest with me." She started a few seconds later.

Her words sent a shiver down Maya's spine who immediately glanced at her wife.

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