Ready or not

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Present time: six and a half months later

"Cover the left side! And run run run!"
The coach barked from the right side of the soccer field in front of the bleachers.

They were twenty minutes into the second half of the game and still 0 - 0.

"You go girl!" Maya yelled standing on the front line, cheering up for Leslie along with her wife next to her.

"Bambina it's not the world cup final, just calm down." Carina laughed clapping when a midfielder served Leslie on the front.

"Go go go go!" Maya completely ignored her wife too much into the game.

The girl felt the hot wind of September cross her face while running towards the opponent's gate, stop the ball, go past a defender and finally kick the ball in, making it impossible for the goalkeeper to catch it.

"Yes! She scored!" Maya spoke loudly throwing her hands in the air looking proudly at the teenager. Then she turned around to hold Carina by her waist raising her in the air twirling her around.
Carina laughed happily along with her wife and a few people around that saw the scene.
Maya then placed the italian back down with a kiss and in the end leaned down to do the same on her wife's growing bump, smiling.

"Not the world cup final but way better." The blonde said going back up to her wife's face to press her lips on Carina's.

one month earlier

"Whaaat?" Andy yelled in the beanery almost throwing the content of her plate against the wall.

Maya burst out laughing followed by her italian wife while Travis reached them to hold them in a tight hug.

"Congrats congrats congrats!" Came from Vic.

"We're so so happy for you." Ben spoke softly going towards the couple hugging them warmly.

"So Probie girl means she's gonna be a firefighter like her mommy or a doctor like her mama?" Dean asked while raising a glass of water to the happy couple.

"I think it simply means she's gonna be loved, that's all." Maya spoke catching everyone off guard.

"Captain's gone soft." Andy teased reaching her friend laughing to give her a hug.
"I'm proud of you mommy." Then she turned towards Carina to give her a hug too. "You too mama."
Carina held her wife's best friend before letting go to speak.

"We just wanted to thank you guys, both me and Maya from the bottom of our hearts. You supported us through...ehm...the worst." Her eyes got wet and she raised her hand to wipe away a tear while Maya's hand went to caress her back and all firefighters gave them comforting looks. Then she continued laughing away the sadness.

"And then through the fear it could happen again and eventually through the very best joy we could possibly feel. So yeah, grazie davvero."
She finished with a soft but still powerful smile.

"You're gonna make me cry." Travis spoke a few seconds later making them laugh once again.

Maya remained silent, incredibly grateful for her friends' presence in her life laughing with them.

"So how does it feel to be growing an all female family?" Andy went to Maya's office going in without even knocking.

"I should put a ringbell outside." The blonde spoke laughing.

Andy went to the desk sitting on one of the chairs in front of it.

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