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"Ok as you already know, this will feel a little cold..." Doctor Wilson started placing the tool on Carina's belly.

The brunette shivered a little. In fact she had always used it on mothers but never on herself. It felt cold, but not like snow cold, not like ice cold. More like Maya's hands on her naked body before they would make love, kind of cold.
And so it somehow felt warm. It was warming her.

And then it was spreading and so she felt it on every inch of her bare abdomen.

And then she realised that what was warming her were in fact her wife's hands on her body. On her arm and intertwined with her own.

She glazed over the blonde's affection and turned her head towards her magnificent blue eyes.
And Maya noticed her staring and looked back to her.

And they stayed like that for a few second, incapable of thinking about anything that wasn't the love they felt for each other.

"There we go." Jo spoke, pulling them out of their sights.

Carina turned towards the monitor, knowing that she could understand everything.
And while she was still looking, she let go a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

The italian had promised herself she wouldn't be scared, terrified, worried, nothing at all, especially for an ultrasound.
But she didn't understand that being the one to recieve it and not do it would be so different.

She felt her wife's squeeze on her arm.

"I know you know, so I'm gonna speak for Maya." The young Doctor said moving her hand to point towards the screen.

"So this is your baby, well placed in the placenta, there's definitely room for them to grow. It's just one, so you don't have to worry about the other embryo than you implanted.
And these limbs are the legs, slowly growing."

She finished and in that exact moment Carina felt her face getting wet, and realised she was crying for how joyful that moment was.

Maya somehow squeezed her ever harder and thanked Doctor Wilson for the informations.

"Do you want to try and listen for the heartbeat?" She spoke once again and Maya held her breath for a second waiting for her wife's answer. Clearly Carina was the expert and used her knowledge to make all the decisions in that situation.

"Bambina? Do you want to try?" The brunette spoke softly hoping deep down in her heart Maya would say yes, which eventually she happily did.

"Ok then let me set this up..." Jo was great, explaining them everything she was doing, maybe to impress her teacher, but actually to just make Maya feel as comfortable as Carina was.

The italian took a deep breath and helped the doctor holding her shirt up but not too high. She realized her boobs were actually growing pretty fast and almost a little too big, but she knew that her gorgeous blonde wife would never complain.

Maya wished for a second that she could hear what her wife was thinking but she was actually mesmerized by the images of their baby.
And then she heard it and her heart almost stopped beating and her breathing froze in her lungs and her eyes closed shut to make her feel more and more and more of that wolderful sound.

Carina's eyes were filling with tears that eventually went streaming down her face uncontrollably. She knew part of it was caused by hormons, but she was also feeling so happy that she couldn't contain them anymore.

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