Chapter 45 - Italy

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Overdose - Chapter 45


"Have you heard from Alex?"

"Nope, not since the shit show that was Italy. Can you pass me the tape?" I ask Taylor, feeling an overwhelming sense of anger. She frowns, "I'm sorry, Nicki. I know how much you loved him-"

"Taylor, I don't want to have this conversation. Not today, or tomorrow, or for the rest of my fucking life. So, if you don't mind...Pass. Me. The. Tape." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I begin feeling like a complete asshole. I am not okay. I haven't been for two months. Alex destroyed me. He destroyed us.

Everything was going somewhat okay until Daniel's wedding. We were good. Happy even. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas together. We spent New Year's and his birthday in France. It was all so perfect. I found a home in Alex's heart. True peace. I was high on the happiness that we were experiencing. He even met my mom when we came back. Though she didn't understand what I was telling her, I was still so glad that he wanted to meet her.

But I guess it wasn't as perfect as I thought. Oftentimes he did seem distant and two weeks before the wedding, I started noticing that he didn't look at me the same. He'd barely want to meet my eyes when we were together, and he spent most of his time at home or with Chester. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured he needed his space. So, I gave it to him.

"I should get going. I'm meeting Tate for lunch. Uhm, if you do want to talk don't hesitate to find me." She presses her lips to my cheek. Strangely, that is the most comforted I've been these last two months. I didn't want to be mean to her. "I'm sorry. I'll call you later." I can't even force a smile, so I just stare at her.

When she leaves, I scan my now empty apartment. This was the first place I got to call home. It was all mine, and no one could dictate the decisions I made here. Moving out is supposed to feel good because it means that I'm on to a bigger space, a space that I can create freely. But it doesn't feel good. I'd rather be in bed but it's at the other place.

The release of my photobook went unbelievably well. All copies were sold within forty-eight hours which I still can't wrap my head around. I was happy but the one person I wanted to celebrate with was absent. I hoped he'd send me a text or call but the day passed, a week passed, and eventually, I stopped hoping.

Night of Daniel's wedding...

"You look absolutely delectable," Alex pulled me by the waistband of my pants. I chuckled and locked him between my arms, pressing my body to him until his face was mere inches from mine. "We have to get going, Daniel is going to throw a bitch fit if I don't catch the big entrance." I buried my head in the crook of his neck, inhaling his fresh scent.

"Ugh, fine but after the reception, you are all mine."

The thought of that sent all the blood rushing to one specific area. His eyes widened and he looked down, "Sure you can't spare five minutes?" His eyes were clouded with lust. "Mmm, as much as I'd love to, right here and right now, I am working. I'll make it up to you, I promise." I pushed myself off him and placed a kiss on his forehead. He frowned but followed me out of the bathroom.

When Daniel told me it was a destination wedding, I had no idea it would be in Italy. It was beautiful there. I guess I can cross it off my bucket list. Being there with Alex by my side was a bonus. Once the wedding was over, we planned on staying an extra week to explore. It all felt surreal, just last month we were in France, and then, we were in Italy. Two beautiful places with the most beautiful person.

I looked over at him and smiled. He looked dashing in his black suit. He got extra hot points for having my cameras draped across his chest. I couldn't have asked for a better assistant.

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