part 44

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He pulled from the hug and looked at hyunjin, who was by now on the verge of crying because of Jisungs sweetness.

"How did it go?" he asked

Hyunjin wiped his eyes, smiled brightly, and sat straight, ready to tell his friend everything

"Well, at first, they were confused, why I only brought him out of all the members and especially that I didn'tt call the day before, but when they saw how nervous channie Hyung was. oh my go,  you have to see him his literally trembling and asking about how my parents think would react the whole way home it was so cute!! Anyways when they saw how different he was from usua,  they smiled.  I think they knew already. I was also scared but not as much as channie Hyung. I told them we dated for 2 years, and they kept yelling at him because he kept me from telling them all this time, but overall, they were waiting for me to bring someone home and they were happy it was channie since they already know him. So now they told him to visit more often so Ill drag him with me whenever Ill visit, they also asked for his phone number, I wonder why though, do you think its okay giving them his phone number?"

Jisung laughed at ho he  exited the boy before him  while talking, he was lying in bed, he sighed

"Yes, hyunjin, it's perfectly normal. They probably just want to get closer to him now that you are dating him and know more about him"

Hyunjin lied next to him with a less obvious smile looking at him

"Sometimes,  I wonder how you know this much about relationships if you stayed your whole life single"

Jisung laughed nervously trying his best to avoid anything about his love life, hiding it from him is a thing but lying about it is a totally different matter, then he heard hyunjin gasp and sitting back on the bed eyes still fixed on jisung, making jisung curiously following his actions.

"You still are not over minho Hyung, right? Tell me what you did today when he took you out" he said excitedly

Jisungs face was all colours at that time. He felt like he was going to throw up. His eyes were watery. He was not ready to tell anything just yet. He felt like he was going to ruin Hyunjins perfect day. Being close to breaking down in front of his friend, He somehow managed to get himself together and smiled poorly

"Could we not talk about this?" he said with a weak voice

Understanding his friend's pain, he decided to drop it, there wasn't much he could say to recomfort a 2 years heartbreak.
At that moment the door opened revealing the called boyfriend.
"Hi babe, can I borrow ji for a second" the two friends nodded and the youngest got up following the leader

(I have these written for a year or so! I'm just gonna dump them her,  no editing, nothing. I'm not even sure I remember what's written her, lol.)

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