part 34

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“Should we get breakfast first?”

minho asked reaching Jisung’s hand to hold, trying to interlock their fingers. However, the younger rapidly drew his arm away, and instinctively looked around him checking if other people saw them.

“Minho Hyung stop acting like that in public”

“Come on we both are guys nobody will- “

“Exactly my point” replied Jisung loudly

“eug! you are no fun, and when will you stop calling me Hyung to something cuter” minho whined, entering a coffee not far from their dorms.

“What do you prefer daddy” joked he
“Yeah, sure I like it”

“Not a chance Hyung” laughed Jisung

The caffe was white, big and green with planets, they every here and there. The coffee was popular amount the couples as you almost see only couples in there, but you could also meet friends hanging in there. the atmosphere was calm the music was relaxing. as they sat in the corner, where they wouldn’t be witnessed by their fans a good-looking waiter reached to them to take their commend.

“Two strawberry milkshake and pancakes please” said minho to the waiter who immediately left leaving the two at the table. When minho turned back to Jisung I notice his smirky face, getting together didn’t end their teasing to each other. It was somehow a sing of affection.

“Since when you order for me?”

“gotta take care of my lovely boyfriend” he teased back causing Jisung to make a cringe face but deep down he was loving the way minho was treating him now; always as friendly but he was more affectionate, and loving, it felt sincere.
They kept on having small talk and eating their breakfast that the handsome waiter brought them.

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