part 5

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After spending almost a day reading story in the new found application, it was time for minho to move to his new room.
They were planning an other movie night nothing from their usual weekend, one or two films, snacks and cuddles.

He didn't need time to get used to the room he was there all the time... it explains why the poor baby had enough.
Minho was alone in the room unpacking his clothes, jisung was taking a shower to to bed!

''Lino hyung? Still unpacking?"
Minho turned to find a half naked jisung, only covered with a towel. His hair still wet topped by a smaller towel. Well they've already showed in group many time minho was familiar with this picture. But minho was thinking that it was wrong looking at him. He quickly turned his head.

"Let unpacking for tomorrow, let me wear my clothes ans start a the film"
minho hears eyes still on his bags
"Mmmh" he responded
"Oh by the way linoring..." minho looked into the younger, he was still half naked but this time he had his pants on. This time minho couldn't take his eyes of him. He looked different in his eyes... memories from the stories he was reading.

He takes steps towards him, grab his wrist and pulls him closer. Takes his jaws in his other hand pulling him even closer, he starts staring at his eyes.
Minho touched his face slowly and the his lips with his finger..then he closed his eyes and getting closer to open them hearing his name !

"MINHO HYUNG!" Minho opened his eyes wilder noticing how far jisung from him. He was annoyed probably by calling his name many times.
"Y-yes...i mean euh.. sorry what were you saying?"

"Minho hyung i asked you to bring snacks from the kitchen what were you thinking about?"
"Oh right! Snacks... yeah snack.. i mean yeah i'll go bring him i mean them"
Jisung was confused but didn't mind and got back to wearing his clothes, while minho was heading to the kitchen feelings guilty and... disappointed?

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