→ Chapter Eighteen ←

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*Btw the photo pretty much gives away what's gonna happen, guys*

"So do you like your book?" Ashton says, tugging on his lip with his teeth gently. Holly nodded enthusiastically and placed it in her lap.

"I love it so much. Thanks, Dimples."

"You're gonna love me a lot more when you open the book then." He said with a grin. This one was a lot different from the one earlier, this one was cocky. Like he knew she was going to like it no matter what it was. Holly narrowed her eyes.

"Will I just?" She said, raising an eyebrow at his attitude shift. Ashton nodded and sat back on the couch, throwing his arms behind his head, staring at her with a mischievous glint in his eye. She took notice of the flash of the watch already wrapped around his wrist, and inwardly applauded herself.

Shaking her head at the dork sitting next to her she looked back down at the book. Gently placing her hands either end of the novel, she let it fall open to the middle and let out a gasp. Sitting there like it was a golden ticket from Wonka himself, was two tickets to see All Time Low and You and Me at Six.

Holly looks up to see Ashton grinning at her, with his arms open wide. "Surprise!" He shouts, waving his noodle-arms around. Holly doesn't say anything, too busy staring dumfounded at the absolute idiot in front of her.

"I remembered you like All Time Low, so I thought we could go and see them together. Just as friends, of course." Ashton added. He was too sweet, it almost killed her how nice Ashton always was. He was too good to even be her friend.

Holly feels her eyes prick for the first time in three years. She hadn't cried since a month after her parents funeral and she hadn't planned on ever crying again. Yet, here she was, about to cry over some concert tickets because this brown-haired boy had somehow wormed his way into her heart and taken it.

Ashton 's smile faded when he saw Holly's eyes start to glisten. He had never seen her sad or upset, he had always thought of her as in control, tough and witty. He had almost thought her incapable of being anything but cold when he first met her, but getting to know her he began to think of her as much more.

"Oh, Hols, why are you crying, babe?" He asked worriedly, moving to sit beside her. Holly shakes her head, and stands up. Ashton grabs her hand to stop her, but she merely pulls him up and drags her to his bedroom. Once the door was shut and she was confident the boys couldn't hear them she finally let the tears escape.

"What's the matter, Tea?" Ashton says anxiously, "Do you not like the presents?"

Holly shakes her head quickly and brushes the tears away stiffly. "No, I love them. It's just...these are the first presents I have received in years and, and-" She couldn't finish the sentence before breaking down further.

Ashton smiles sadly, "The first presents of many, Tea, so you better get used to it."

"I'm serious Ashton, I can't thank you and the other guys enough."

Ashton just smiles, his enchanting jade eyes seeming to shine more than usual. He just grabbed Holly, pulling her to him in a tight hug.

They just stood there in each others embrace, swaying slightly in the middle of Ashton 's room for a while. Holly didn't know how much time she spent just pressed against Ashton 's chest, but when she finally pulled away she saw Ashton just staring at something above them.

"What is it?" She asked quietly, not wanting to disrupt the peacefulness between them.

Ashton let out an cough, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's, uh, Mistletoe."

"Oh." Holly mumbles quietly. It's not like she hadn't kissed a boy before, she had done that and plenty more. But...this was Ashton. This was Dimples, the dork that acted like a three year old when he wasn't allowed to open his presents, the same boy that ordered the fanciest and stereotypical Starbucks order the one day they had to go there when the cafe wasn't open.

Ashton looked down at Holly, pulling his lips between his teeth. Damn, he wanted to kiss her and damn, did she want to kiss him.

And in complete Christmas spirit, Ashton whispered "Fuck it." And leaned down, pressing his lips gently down onto hers.

Merry fucking Christmas.


Dimples → a.iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें