→ Chapter Seven ←

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Spinning around, she sees Ashton chasing after her, red-faced and sweaty. She stops in the middle of the road, ignoring the loud noises of protests and honks from the drivers waiting.

Flipping off the impatient drivers, she stands and waits, tapping her foot on the road. The sounds of her Doc Martin boots making a soft splat as they hit the wet road.

Ashton eventually reaches her, but he doesn't speak, too busy trying to catch his breath. Still panting heavily he looks up at her and gives a grin.

"You came."

Holly nods, "Yeah I did."

And just like that she turns and begins to walk across the rest of the crossing. Ashton lets out a huff, and chases after her, calling out for her to wait. Eventually, he catches up and lets out a groan,

"Holy shit, woman, you walk damn fast for a midget."

Holly spins around, feeling a lot more angry than she had previously. She knew she was short and she hated when people pointed it out. It was like that for almost every short person.

"Get lost, Ashton." She snaps, pointing back towards the cafe she had left not minutes ago.

"What did I do?!" Ashton yells back, taken aback by her attitude. Holly rolls her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know Ashton, it's not like you stood me up or anything!" She snarls, crossing her arms tightly across her chest.

"That wasn't my fault, I swear!" Ashton defends, his hands reaching up to tug anxiously on his ash brown mop. A soft rain had begun to fall and she can feel her sweater slowly getting heavier and colder from it.

"Then who's fault was it, Ashton?" She sighs, pushing a damp lock of hair away from her face. His eyes follow her action, and it takes him a moment to remember the question she just asked him.

"My roommate, Calum, forgot to wake me up and then I got caught in traffic and then I couldn't find a parking space- just, please give me another chance!" Ashton begged, his hands clasped in front of him. Holly wasn't perturbed in the slightest, completely pissed off by his actions.

"Why should I?"

"Because I'd like you to" Ashton answered instantly, his arrogant demeanour returning. She rolled her eyes at his mood swings, feeling like she was suffering from whiplash.

Holly kept her arms crossed, thinking over Ashton 's answer. It was in no way the answer she was wanting. She had hoped that his answer would at least give away the reason why he seemed so interested in her. If she stuck around maybe she would find out.

"Alright. Fine. You got an hour, Dimples." The nickname slipped out easily like she had been calling him that for years. Confusion crossed Ashton 's features and Holly had to control the urge to blush crimson.

"What?" Ashton asks, tilting his head like he did in the cafe the other day. Well, there's no going back now, her subconscious rolls her eyes at her.

"You heard me. Dimples." Holly shrugs, turning back to the crossing. She hears Ashton chuckle under his breath at her abruptness.

"Alright then, if you're calling me Dimples I am calling you Tea."

Holly stops suddenly, and Ashton, surprised by her actions slams into the back of her.

"What the hell? Why Tea?" Holly snaps ill-temperedly.

"Because you like Tea, and I like you."


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