→ Chapter Fifteen ←

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The room is filled with so much silence that it is somehow deafening. The quietness lasts a few seconds before one of the boys she hadn't met yet, let out a small giggle. Holly was immediately taken aback. She had no idea a guy could giggle, let alone a guy that had to be one of the tallest men she had ever seen.

His head was covered by a tall quiff the colour of dirty blonde. His face was positively adorable; dimples, cute smile and bright blue eyes that shined. He was handsome, Holly realised. His body seemed to contrast with his face though, toned biceps, a broad chest and shoulders, and legs that seemed to go forever, tight against black skinny jeans.

He walks towards her and sticks his hand out. Fuck, his hands dainty! The fuck is with this guy and paradoxes? Holly's mind screeched as she shook his hand. They completely enveloped hers, giving a comforting squeeze.

"I'm Luke but everyone just calls me Luke," He smiles shyly, before questioning. "And you are?"

"Holly, Ashton 's friend." She replies quietly. Ashton surely must have known who she was, but was simply kind enough to let her introduce herself. She gives Ashton a small smile back, unable to resist his boyish charm. Another boy moves forward and she is immediately taken aback by his hair which was a bright red.

"Hi, I'm Michael!" He yells, enveloping her in an unexpected hug. Her eyes widen in surprise and she tenses visibly. Luke must have noticed her discomfort because he yanked back Michael by the collar of the band t-shirt he was wearing.

"Dude, get off her! She doesn't even know you!" He yells, smacking the back of his head like Calum did to Luke earlier.

"Calm down, Lukey, I'm sure she doesn't mind." Michael rolls his eyes and glances back at Holly with a nervous grin. "You don't mind, do you?"

Holly shrugs her shoulders but lets a smile grace her features. "It's seriously fine, Luke, I don't mind." She confirms.

Michael turns back to 'Lukey' and victorious smirk twisting his lips. "Ha! See! Did you hear that Lukey? She doesn't mind that I-!"

"Michel, you are yelling!" Luke shouts, covering Michael's mouth with his hands. Michael rolls his eyes and pulls away from Luke's hand. Ashton finally makes and entrance to the kitchen and shoots a confused look towards the pair standing in front of Holly.

He walks past all of them towards Calum, who stood leaned on a bench near the fridge. Ashton pulled open the fridge, grabbing a carton of something out and then two glasses in the cabinet above his head. With his back to Holly, he pours the liquid into the glasses before turning back around.

He walked back towards her, his hand brandishing a cold glass of eggnog. She grabs the glass from him with a grin, instantly a lot more comfortable knowing that Ashton was with her.

"Seriously Ashton? Eggnog? Can you be any more cliche?" Holly snorted. Ashton simply shrugged.

"It's traditional."

The other boys all grabbed their glasses of drinks and with a laugh and a loud clink, they brought their glasses together yelling out a loud 'Happy Holidays'

And that was how the rest of the night went. They all moved towards the living room area of the apartment, and spent the evening sharing jokes and stories, poking fun at one another. Holly laughed more that night than she had in a long, long while.

But eventually the boys all got tired, and made their ways to their rooms. Michael and Luke had decided to stay in Calum's room, knowing that they would be able to fit one mattress on the ground for one boy with the other two sleeping in Calum's bed.

Ashton managed to pull the excuse on them that his room was 'smaller' and 'didn't get a good sleep when Michael was snoring in his ear'

Holly was left on the couch thankfully. The three boys said their goodnight's and retreated back to Calum's room to sort out where they would each be sleeping. Ashton gathered some blankets and a spare pillow for Holly to sleep on, and when that was sorted out he left for his room as well.

Holly settled into the couch, preparing for an uncomfortable night's sleep. She lay in the dark for what felt like hours... She could see the lights from the boys' playstation blinking at her, keeping her awake. She rolled around and around, trying to find a position that would bring some comfort to her.

She let out a irritated huff. She was uncomfortable, cold and tired. Not a good combination.

Eventually she gave up on he whole institution of sleeping on the couch. Pulling the soft blanket around her shoulders, she padded her way to Ashton 's room.

Opening the closed door, she peeped in. Ashton lay on his back, his face alit by the bright glow of his phone. His attention didn't waver from the phone, notifying Holly that he hadn't heard the door open.

" Ashton?" Holly whispered, stepping gently into the room. Ashton 's hazel eyes snapped up to her's in concern immediately,

"Holly? What's the matter?"

"I can't sleep." She whispered. Ashton nodded his head in agreement,

"Same here."

"Can I sleep with you?"


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