→ Chapter Ten ←

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This would be the sixth time Holly was meeting with Ashton today, and she couldn't help but feel the excitement and anxiousness she had felt every day before this.

They had met up almost every day since that first time, and Holly had come to the conclusion that Ashton was her friend. The first one she'd had in a long time.

She was walking back to the cafe, Ashton and her's designated meet-up spot. Her hands were stuffed deeply into the pockets of her parka in an attempt to keep them slightly warm. She wouldn't even go near the thought of gloves, or, even worse, mittens.

London's weather had been worsening day by day, getting colder and wetter as the days till Christmas counted down. That was better, in Holly's opinion.

Less and less people had been turning up to the cafe as the days passed, and Holly's mood was improving more and more as the number of people lessened.

She made her way around the corner and onto the street that her cafe was on, bopping her head lightly to the music blasting through her trusty headphones. She looked up towards the direction of the cafe and was surprised to already see Ashton standing in the cold.

He looked god, standing there with his typical black skinny jeans and t-shirt, and a light flannel, despite the weather. She was honestly surprised that he didn't get sick.

But even more surprising about this situation was a girl standing next him, chatting away happily.

Holly frowned slightly; the girl was gorgeous. She had brown hair that reached the bottom of her ribcage, tan skin despite the lack of sun in London, and a smile that would make a model jealous. She was dressed immaculately, a perfect combination of chic and hipster with a hint of punk. Long tight, ripped jeans sheathed her legs, and a heavy cardigan wrapped around her body, paired with a scarf and heavy combat boots to complete the look.

Holly frowned: this girl was like Holly's fashion dreams coming to life. It made Holly look like she attempted the same outfit, but instead of Guess clothing, her's were from Walmart.

This girl, Holly realised, looked like someone who would belong with Ashton. And for some reason, that irked Holly.

He looked down at the girl with a grin on his face, letting out a bellow of laughter after she told him something. Holly stopped walking and watched as the girl gave Ashton a hug, whispering something in his ear before turning towards the taxi that had stopped for her. She waved goodbye once more before the taxi pulled away.

Ashton smiled at the spot she had just vacated before shaking his head with a laugh and reentering the cafe. Holly's frown deepened, and she continued to make her way to the cafe.

She pushed into the coffee shop, with a familiarly annoying chime of the bell. She spotted Ashton instantly, sitting at the same table as always. His head snapped up at the sound, and he gave a smirk when he noticed it was her.

He waved her over enthusiastically, and she dawdled her way over. He rolled his eyes when he noticed her extra-slow pace. As she reached the table she realised that he had already bought her a drink: her usual tea.

"Nice of you to finally join me, Tea, I have been waiting for you." He winks as she takes a seat. She rolls her eyes and mutters out a low

"Oh, yeah, waiting for me, sure."

Ashton frowns at her muttering, "What was that? I didn't catch it." He asks. Holly shakes her head a mumbles a small 'never mind'. Ashton quirks an eyebrow, but dismisses her mutterings. Pulling a grin on his face, he leans forward and says,

"Now. What were we discussing yesterday until you decided to ditch me?"

"Our favourite books, and I did not ditch you! I had to go to my Uni class! A perfectly valid reason to leave!" She exclaimed. Her mood always seemed to brighten some as soon as she was in Ashton 's dorky vicinity.

"No, you definitely ditched me for someone else." Ashton defends, folding his arms over his chest. From the action, his biceps flexed, showing the defined muscle that laced his arms. She rolled her eyes him.

"You caught me, Dimples, I ditched you. " She snorted, "But seriously, you're like the only person I talk to, who would I ditch you for?"

Ashton shrugs his shoulders, and with a small smirk he says, "Your secret boyfriend."

Holly chokes on the tea she had only just taken a mouthful of. "You're out of your mind, Ashton, more than usual." She chortles once she has swallowed the mouthful. He laughs at her as well, and suddenly it's back to normal. Holly forgets about the girl she saw with Ashton earlier, and engages herself in the conversation with Ashton.

Lunchtime comes and passes, and then the sun starts setting. Looking at her phone and back at Ashton she exclaims,

"Holy shit, Ashton, it's five o'clock! I need to get home!" Ashton looks at her, pursing his lips unhappily.

"I don't want you to go." He sulks. Holly sighs and stands up.

"Come on Dimples, don't be like that. I don't want to walk home in the dark." Holly sighs, unhappy at the fact she has to leave as well. Ashton looks up at her, a bright expression covering his face.

"Why don't you come back to my apartment for a bit? We can hang out for a while, I can introduce you to Calum, show you my guitar and then I'll drive you home later!" He offers, standing up as well.

Holly shakes her head, "Not to shit on the party, Dimples, but you don't have a car."

Ashton dismisses her statement. "Calum has a car, I can use that."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Come on, let's go."


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