→ Chapter Twelve ←

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She steps into his room and wasn't at all surprised by it's appearance. It absolutely screamed Ashton.

The double bed in the centre of the room is shabbily made, the plain blue duvet cover looking as if it'd been hastily thrown across the bed. The floor was partially covered in Ashton 's clothes, and she wasn't surprised at the fact that the majority of the clothes were black.

The walls were covered in posters of bands she had small knowledge about. Looking closer, she realised that Ashton had posters of some of her favourite artists as well: All Time Low, Pierce the Veil, Fall Out Boy, and even The Killers. She nodded her head, impressed by his choice in bands.

Ashton, noticing her interest in the posters of All Time Low nodded his head towards them.

"You a fan?"

Holly let out a un-ladylike snort.
"A Fan? Dude, I fucking spent like two hundred pounds on tickets to see them perform last year."

She grinned at the poster, and continued. "Best fucking concert of my life. Jack looked like an absolute sex-god."

Ashton nodded his head, "I went and saw them with Cal and some other friends as well, we somehow managed to get a hold of some sweet tickets. I caught one of Rian's drumsticks. It was awesome, one of the best nights of my life."

Holly stared at Ashton with her mouth open."How the fuck did you manage to get tickets close enough to catch it?"

Ashton shrugged his shoulders, "One of my mates, Luke, is mates with a guy named John. He was friend's with the band and knew we loved them so he hooked us up. Got us, like, third row tickets"

Holly shook her head at Ashton 's nonchalance, unable to comprehend the fact that she knew someone, who knew someone, who knew someone who knew All Time Low. It was like a dream come true. Kind of.

Looking around the rest of the room she finally noticed a guitar leaning up against the beside table. She walked over to it but didn't dare touch it for fear she would break it. Her fingers hovered lightly of the frets, desperate to hear the sound of it played.

"Can you play me something?" She says suddenly, turning towards Ashton who stood watching her intently. Without speaking, he nodded and moved towards her. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he reached forward and grabbed the guitar behind Holly. Their eyes didn't blink or leave each others, and Holly could feel the tension in the room rise, almost choking her.

Her eyes started to burn with the effort of keeping them open, but she wasn't going to be the one to look away first.

Ashton was the first to break the unspoken staring contest as he sat down on the bed, looking down to make sure the strings were all in tune. Placing his fingers gently on the frets and his hand brushed up and down the strings. Holly watched in fascination as his fingers changed position, a tune starting to take form.

"Holiday, by Green Day?" Holly asked, moving to take a seat on the bed next to a concentrating Ashton. He nodded his head, and continued to strum as he spoke.

"Yeah, it was one of the first songs I learnt when I was ten. Drove everyone up the wall at home, I played it that often. My dad would eventually come in and yell at me to stop." Ashton says, a small smile gracing his features as he remembered his family. That made Holly frown. She didn't have any family.

Ashton looks back up from the guitar and takes note of Holly's expression. "You don't ever mention your family. What are they like?"

Holly looks down at her hands and attempts to control the burst of grief that shoots through her.

"They're dead. Car crash."

Ashton 's guitar cuts off with a discordant plunk, and she knows he's shocked.

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault they are dead," Holly mutters bitterly, suddenly in a worse mood. Ashton sits up a bit straighter and shuffles uncomfortably, a frown now creasing between his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but-"

"Don't worry about it. It's been years, I'm used to it."

"Used to what?"

"Being alone," Holly stated bluntly. Ashton 's frown deepened.

"No one should ever be alone." He says, placing the guitar carefully on the ground.

"I like being alone."

"Isn't it lonely?" Ashton asks, unable to comprehend how someone could possibly enjoy being so isolated.

"Yeah, sometimes." Holly replies honestly, brushing an escaped strand of hair behind her ear, "But at least I know I'm not going to get hurt."

Ashton tilts his head, feeling like the words had been indirectly pointed towards him. "I won't hurt you."

Holly looks up, her eyes shining with an unknown emotion. Her steely grey eyes narrow slightly and with a harsh conviction she replies,

"You say that now."


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