→ Chapter Five ←

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She slammed her book shut with a groan. She couldn't stop thinking about that damned boy in the cafe. She had left not long after Ashton attempted to convince her to come tomorrow, but her thoughts hadn't left the irritating boy from the moment she walked out of the coffee shop. Everything about him annoyed her; his cheery yet cocky demeanour, his broad and muscular chest, his height, his perfect curly chestnut hair, his wide green eyes and the dimples that made her want to drown in them- what the hell was wrong with her?!

Why was she being so weird about him! And now, she couldn't read a book simply because her thoughts were to jumbled!

Ashton frustrated her to no end; that was undeniable. But, he had a certain charm about him, and she couldn't let it go.

True, it wasn't everyday that you run into a stranger who stops you from falling, insults what you're drinking, calls you pissy and invites you to lunch! What the fuck was wrong with him?! Was he bipolar or something?! her thoughts scream.

She shook her head and opened her book again. She had to let it go, he was just a random stranger.

He could even be a psychopath for all she knew about him!

So why did she have this overwhelming urge to meet him for lunch tomorrow?

Hours past and she had made dinner for herself, attempted to invest herself in some shit reality TV show but the question still lingered in her mind. It was when she was laying in bed that night that she came to the decision:

She would go and meet Ashton for lunch tomorrow. And she knew she was probably going to regret that decision.


Dimples → a.iTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon