→ Prologue ←

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The tinkle of the bell shattered her thoughts. Scowling at the all too happy sound she scans the cafe she just entered and scowled deeper. The cafe was filled with happy couples, all in their own private bubbles, ignoring the world around them. The wafting scent of peppermint and cinnamon hung in the air, a sure sign that Christmas was approaching. She hated Christmas. Everyone was happy, spending time with their family and friends. She didn't have a family, and her friends had left her a long time ago. She was alone.

It seems that even London's worsening weather couldn't deter people from venturing out into the city. That was the reason she liked this weather. She liked the cold and the rain, it suited her, it was like her feelings were projected through the weather. Dark, cold and hated.

Moving further into the cafe, she finally tears her stare away from one of the couples who had decided to disgust the rest of the cafe by feeding each other. God do people have no fucking shame, she thought. Letting out a scoff and shaking her head, she steps up and orders her tea. She didn't get coffee, she hated the stuff.

It was quite funny really, the drink was dark and bitter, much like her personality, and yet, she hated it. You could call it ironic.

After ordering, she moves towards her regular table, located in the back corner of the cafe, far away from anyone that could possibly annoy her. She hated people.

Not looking where she was going, to preoccupied by the headphones she was untangling, she didn't notice the tall, heavily muscled figure in front of her before it was too late.

She slammed into the person with force and careens backwards, arms flailing, letting out a small shriek of surprise. On instinct, she clamped her eyes shut and braced for the inevitable impact of her body hitting the ground. But, luckily for her, it never came.

A pair of strong arms had snared around her waist, catching her and thankfully stopping her from falling. Peeking open her eyes, she realises that she was indeed no longer falling, but someone had caught her. And that someone was tall. Very tall. Huge ass biceps. Bright hazel eyes, lightly ruffled ashy brown hair and dimples.

Those fucking dimples.


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