→ Chapter Six ←

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Just like yesterday, Holly scowls at the sounds of the bell tinkling as she walks into the cafe. Holly looks around the cafe for Ashton, but seeing he wasn't around she scowled further.

She couldn't be angry, though, she was fifteen minutes early. And like yesterday, she orders her drink and sits at the same table as yesterday.

The back corner of the cafe was like her little sanctuary; no one ever seemed to look this way, no one tried to engage her in conversation and that was exactly how she liked it.

That was why Ashton frustrated her so much. He just waltzes into the cafe, slams into her and expects her to fall to her knees in front of him. And that was not like her at all. She frustrated herself more than anything because she was doing exactly what Ashton predicted yesterday.

"You'll come."

And here she was. Sitting at the same corner table in the same cafe, waiting for a brown-haired boy who annoyed the crap out of her.

Rolling her eyes at her bitter thoughts she pulls out her phone and decides to scroll through Instagram while she waited for Ashton.

She kept scrolling and scrolling occasionally checking the time. 12:40 came and passed, as did 12:45 and 12:50 but Ashton still wasn't here.

There must be traffic, she thought. Ashton wouldn't leave her hanging, he was the one to ask her out anyway.

One o'clock came and her thoughts were turning desperate. She didn't want to believe that Ashton had stood her up, he didn't seem like that kind of guy. Eventually, it was 1:30 and Holly gave up all hope of Ashton arriving. Checking the rest of the cafe in a last effort to see whether Ashton arrived, she shut the door of the cafe behind her and walked out onto the sidewalk.

"Can't believe I got fucking stood up for a lunch I didn't even agree to," Holly mumbles darkly under her breath. She walks down the sidewalk towards the crossing, pulling out her headphones as she walks.

Plugging one into her ear as she begins to cross the road, she hears her name being called.



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