→ Chapter Four ←

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Chapter Four

"I don't drink." She says, raising an eyebrow at the brunet boy in front of her. His grin only widened and she felt the overwhelming urge to smack it off.

Wow, she had known him for all of five minutes and she was already considering assault. That had to be a new record for her.

"That's cool, I don't really either. How about lunch?" Why the fuck would you ask to go out for a drink if you don't drink yourself?

His long fingers rapidly tap on the table as he waits for an answer, but stop suddenly when he sees that her eyes were narrowing more at the frantic pattern.

"No. I don't associate myself with strangers." She retorts, becoming fed up with the conversation. It seemed like everything he asked was continually answered by the word 'no'. Ashton 's eyes widen at her ending statement. Shaking his head he exclaims,

"But if you don't talk to strangers, how do you meet anyone new?!" Holly shrugs her shoulders, unaffected by his outburst.

"I don't. That's the point."

"Well that's boring." Ashton frowns. She didn't like him frowning as much as she did smiling. His dimples didn't show. Fuck, what was she thinking, this was not like her at all!

"It's just how I am, I guess." She replies, lifting the almost empty cup to her lips. She looks around the slowly emptying cafe. It was passed the morning pre-work panic and before the lunch rush. The cafe only had a few customers; herself, Ashton and the couple sitting near the front window. Gag.

Holly looks back at Ashton who sits there calmly, like he chatted to girls at cafes everyday. Who knows, maybe he did.

"Okay then, how about this: You meet me here tomorrow at 12:45. If you turn up, I'll buy you lunch. That way, you get to know me better, get a free meal and I get to spend my time with a pretty girl. It's a win-win situation." Ashton suggests, his hazel eyes twinkling with mischief. Fuck that was smooth and he damn well knew it to, she thought.

"And if I don't turn up?" She questions, squinting darkly at the brunet-weirdo in front of her.

"Don't worry, you'll come."


Dimples → a.iOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant