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"Can we play Ouija?"

"I wanna talk with Grace..."

She flustered and sat up.

"Are you nuts?"

"She's not your friend to talk with"

"She's a ghost, Abel"

"You really have no idea about the consequences for talking with 'em"

I fought back.

"I don't care Jen!"

"I can't sleep properly"

"I almost see her everyday"

"And this finger must be one of her's"

"She scares me and gives me pain everywhere!"

"Why don't you understand it?"

She kept silent and was looking at the floor.

She sighed and looked up at me.

"She won't trouble you anymore.."

"I promise"

I nodded because I believed her.

"But.." I shook off what I wanted to say.

"You want anything to eat?"

She chuckled.

"Maybe some cup noodles?"

I chuckled back and went into the kitchen. I grabbed the cup noodles and poured some hot water that was on the kettle.

It was ready to eat. I went out with two cups each one on my hand.

I saw Jennie nowhere and the door was open.

"Jennie!" I called her.

I saw Jennie entering, she was on call with someone. She rushed up. She was palpitating

"Yeah yeah!!!"

"I'll be there soon!"

"Just take care of her"

She hung the call and looked at me. I'd say that she was pretty tensed.

"What's up Jen?"

She indicated the door.


"We need to go to the hospital quickly!"

"Katie met an accident"

"We don't have time to talk anything else!"

"Lock the door and come out quickly!"

"I'll be waiting down with a cab!"

She said everything in one go palpitating. I replied nothing.

Two things popped in my mind- Grace and the 'nother haunted creature I saw when I fainted in the pantry.

She went out of the house looking for a cab. I locked my door quickly and got down. My heart raced so badly as if it would fall out from my body.

My stomach burned badly inside.

The car we got in was silent. We didn't talk. My mind didn't work. It was working with those two creatures. I thought it was Grace who would have disturbed Katie on her way.

"What happened to Katie?"

Jennie who was looking out the window turned to me now.

"I don't know exactly Abel.."

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