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Caroline found it to be unusual.

"Why is it downpouring hard?"

"It's strange"

Jennie rubbed her eyes to look it clearer.


"It's like a devil storm approaching us"

"So, are we going to plan our exploration or not?" asked Katie hesitatingly.

I admitted without regret.

"Sure Katie, we'll do that"

"Let's stick with our plan now"

"It's just a rain, let's not worry about it"

"C'mon guys".

"Absolutely Abel!" She nodded.

Caroline took the way.

"Okay cool"

"So, we're going to Hilton's square park on this weekend to enjoy the rides, and we'll be filling our tummy with a lot of food stuffs. Am I right?"

Katie sat upon the desk and mouthed to speak.

"Yeah, we'll go this weekend that means tomorrow and don't forget to bring your..."

Suddenly, someone in the class popped out.


"Charlie is waiting for you in canteen"

"Hurry up fast"

Katie knew well about them.

"But Carol, you both had an insatiable fight few days ago"

"Are you guys together now?".

Caroline replied "Yes we had it once. But then, we solved the conflict right after that"

"Are you both friends or did he get trapped into your web of love!?" giggled Jennie.

It made us to laugh over the situation just because of the way she explained it.


"A web of love!!"

"Jennie don't make fun of our relationship"

"We're just friends"

"F.R.I.E.N.D.S do you all understand?"

We all laughed.

"Okay Carol"

"Seek him"

"He'll be waiting for you"

"We'll carry on this conversation later"

"Yeah Carol. Go on. Bye"

"Okay guys I'll be back in few minutes. Stay close" said Caroline and then she walked towards the exit room to reach canteen.

"Let's see whether they both will be a good friend throughout" said Jennie challenging with her eye.

To talk about them, Charlie was a good-looking boy in the class next to ours and he had pretty much good profile in his studies. He was always well dressed and well mannered. He was almost familiar across our school. LIKE A PROM KING.

Caroline and Charlie got to know about each other when we had a project to be done by collaborating with other classes. They were boon companion at the beginning but in the mid, they had fight and didn't talk for about two months.

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