Chapter 18

202 19 12

Love Cures People
Both The Ones
Give It
The Ones Who
Receive It

~ Dr. Karl Menninger ~


She try to take a deep breath but no, it couldn't help anymore as she feel her heartbeat increasing more than before.

"I ... i ..." she couldn't finish her words and now her sight become dark and she fell.

"Hyejin...hyejin, talk to me!!"


"Hyejin!! Hyejin!!!" Jimin shouted and knocking the thick glass door several time right after he call Dr.Jihyo for help because he can confirm that Hyejin is fainted when she don't answer his call, also he could heard a thud sound on the line clearly.

He peaked and try to see what happen inside as Hyejin last words mention that there is someone inside.

Due to a dim light, Jimin may see some thing inside the boutique but never see any moving human.

Jimin have to think fast as the front door is locked from inside. Then he remember the back door.

"Yes, the back door!"

He ran right side of the two storey building as he know exactly where the back door was during the event and on his way he found a steel rod. In mind maybe he could try his luck if the door may open by force later.

Thank god he found it as fast as possible and to his surprised the steel grill is half open but the wood door still close. He try to open the door by twisting the knob slowly.

"It's unlock!"

He was shocked but it's not the time to question why the door is unlock or who unlock the door. His priority now focusing on where to find his unconscious wife.

On the other hand, Dr.Jihyo immediately arrange an ambulance. In no time Dr.Jihyo and her team on their way to where Jimin was.

From the back, he quickly ran towards the display area . He found nothing, but then he realised maybe Hyejin in her office due to the light in a second floor is on.

He climb up the stair as fast as he can and there the door of Hyejin's office was locked. He knocking the knob hard using the steel rod.

He try several time, and the knob broke a little.

"Goddamnit ... "

He curse and feel so annoying of how hard it is to broke the knob. Now he kick the door as hard as he can and the knob broke in a second. Then he use his body strength push against the door to open it.

"Hyejin, baby!"

He ran as the door open the second time he push hard. And now he on his knees, checking her breathing. He thank that Hyejin slowly breath and carefully he put her in a recovery position to make sure she's not choking. And he call Dr.Jihyo for a second time.

But before he could asked her, she quickly inform they already arrived at the said location.

Jimin asked Dr.Jihyo to bring the ambulance at the back of the building as it's easier for her to enter the building using the back door and inform her he with unconsious Hyejin in a second floor.

He also don't want to leave her alone afraid that maybe 'someone' she referring to is really in the building.

While waiting for them Jimin caressing her soft cheek and never once he stop calling her name.

BE MINE FOREVER [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя