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"Miranda really you weren't going to wait for me? We've been riding to work together for the past few weeks and now you just pull off without me...", Ben said over Miranda's car speaker.

"Well I didn't think you wanted to cum inside my car on account you won't anywhere else that pertains to me", Miranda said angry before hanging up the car phone in Ben's face.

"Seriously Miranda!", he said pissed turning around to see his daughter standing behind him.

"Don't leave her daddy, just talk it out with each other please", Melanie said getting into his car.

Miranda was already at the school board meeting with Ashley's mom who was acting as her and Ben's lawyer. "Dr. Bailey it's going to be okay, I got y'all don't worry about this", Mrs. Greyson said.

Ben walked in with Melanie and told her to sit on the bench until they were finished with their meeting. Miranda looked at Ben with so much hurt in her eyes that she immediately looked away and felt nauseous. "Oh God I can't do this", Miranda said covering her mouth and heading to the bathroom. "Dr. Bailey!", Mrs. Greyson said going after her.

"Are you okay Dr. Bailey?", Mrs. Greyson said knocking on the bathroom stall door.

"I can't do this. I don't care anymore. Can this just be over? It doesn't matter anymore", she said after throwing up again and started crying.

"Dr. Bailey open the door please."

Miranda waited a second wiping her mouth and then slowly opened the stall door. "Dr. Bailey what's going on? It's not about this meeting is it?"

"Call me Miranda.....", Miranda sighed. "Why are we even doing this? I'm going through all of this for nothing just to jeopardize my career and everything else just to be a mistake for someone", she cried.

Mrs. Greyson grabbed some more tissue for Miranda, "I don't follow hun..."

"I'm doing all of this for nothing. I'm about to walk in there and defend what, that I was weak and fell for a man and everything about him just to be left alone after this. I was over worked, shot, lied on, lied too, stalked, privacy invaded and disrespected after already having the mistake inside of me", Miranda started to take slow deep breaths because she was about to have another anxiety attack.

"Come here...wash your face", she said and Miranda rinsed her face at the sink and then dried it with a paper towel. "Okay now breathe!....Are you pregnant Dr. Bailey and it's by Warren?"

Miranda nodded yes wiping her tears falling again. "What happened?"

"He made me feel like a side chick this morning after we well you know...."

"Got it..."

"And I told him how I felt because we haven't used anything since the beginning and now he wants to use protection because he doesn't want to make any mistakes with me, but the real problem is because we just found out his ex is supposedly pregnant too and he think it may be his. I'm sorry I don't know why I'm telling you this because I'm a very private person which makes this entire situation even worse for me and he knows that and I just feel like at this point he really doesn't care and has been using me as some piece of ass."

"Okay so you need to discuss this with him Dr. Bailey."

"I can't he doesn't even know I'm pregnant. I definitely can't tell him now because he feels like me and this baby is a mistake", she cried.

"I guarantee you if he knew that you were he wouldn't have said that and y'all would've had a better ending this morning. Trust me a man wouldn't be going through all of this to get right with the school board just to have some ass, when he can get it from anywhere. That man loves you and I know it, I can hear it in his voice when he was talking about you. The way he speaks about you and cares for you is unmatched. Give him a chance to get things right, but first you need to tell him you're pregnant."

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