Deeper Than Flesh Wounds! Pt. 2

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*One shot went off* Miranda dropped to the floor blacking out.

*A few more shots went off*

The S.W.A.T. team had made it into the building and took out both gunmen.

"DADDY!!!???!!", Melanie said shaking her father, but he wasn't responding.

"I'M GONNA NEED A PARAMEDIC!", the officer yelled while checking Ben's pulse.

EMT came in with their stretcher and medical bags tending to Ben & Mr. Brown.

"We have another one who isn't moving", another officer said while walking over towards Miranda.

They pronounced Mr. Brown dead and covered him up. They managed to get a heart rhythm going with Ben; hooked him up to everything, started an IV and began rolling him out of the building.

Melanie was sitting against the lockers with her knees to her chest with her head tucked down. Ben pulled down his oxygen mask barely being able to catch his breath to talk, "Mels!!", he tried to say, but it was to faint before he coded again.

Melanie had no tears she was just angry at seeing this again. "Are you Melanie Warren?", the officer asked and she just looked at him.

It was very blurry and still ringing in her ears. She slowly tried to get up, "Hold up ma'am not so fast", the Paramedic said still evaluating Miranda trying to find the bullet wound.

Miranda looked down at the blood and panicked, "Oh my God he shot me, he shot me!", she yelled.

Melanie turned her head, "Miss Miranda!?", she said leaving from the officer to go over where she was.

"Melanie?...Oh sweety are you hurt? Are you okay? Where's your father?"

"I don't think daddy made it", she said falling onto Miranda's chest and Miranda wrapped her arms around her tight.

"Come on sweety, let's get out of here", Miranda said to Melanie as she slowly picked herself up off of the floor still holding Melanie with one arm close to her.

"Umm ma'am I don't think that's okay, you've been shot. I need to check the wound."

"No, I'm fine!", she said pushing his hand and walking down the hall towards the open doors.

"MIRANDA!", Callie yelled seeing Miranda walk down the school steps.

Callie punched Officer Solan in the face and another officer tried to detain her.

"Let her go Mike", Solan said.

"Man you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure", he said holding onto his jaw.

"And that's for risking my friends life and Melanie's", Callie said before going over to Miranda.

"Miranda are you okay? Oh my God they shot you?"

"Callie I'm fine, he was going to shoot her and I would've never been able to live with myself", she said frowning her face from the sting in her side.

"So you took a bullet for her?"

"Yes Cals!"

Melanie looked up at Miranda and then closed her eyes hugging her tight. Miranda wanted to say ouch because of her wound, but she couldn't Melanie needed this moment and she wasn't going to take it from her.

"Wow you wouldn't even do that for me Miranda...I'm hurt", she said jokingly.

"Callie when have you ever been shot at?"

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