Dr. Miranda Bailey

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It was the first day back after the summer vacation at Washington's Middle School and she was excited to be back in the classroom with her students. She loved teaching and her students even more. Each student meant something different and special to her. They all were unique, smart and amazing in their own way. She had so many things planned this school year and couldn't wait to share them with her new set of students.

Throughout the year and every single year since she started teaching all of her past students would come and visit to her class very often. Even the ones who were in high school at another campus would stop by during their free period just to fill her in on their lives and she loved it. What really made her just light up was last year when majority of her very first class came back after graduating from college all with science degrees and applying to Master programs and Med school and etc. She literally cried all day because her students gave her a purpose and let her know she was where she was suppose to be.

That's the day she stopped wondering if she should've went to med school instead of getting a PhD in Science Education. With Miranda's educational background and experience she was the instructor of the entire science department at Washington's Middle School and High School campus along with teaching science courses at the University of Washington and the Educator of both schools science teachers. She created the entire science curriculum and syllabus and nothing was done without her knowledge or approval.

"Good Morning Dr. Bailey", the secretary said handing Miranda a venti coffee from Starbucks.

"Thank you Mrs. Harris. And why are you so cheery this morning?", Miranda asked smiling and taking a sip.

"You didn't hear this from me, but the new Principal is going to be a problem this school year", she said raising an eyebrow.

"I don't follow."

"He's incredibly hot, like unbelievably sexy, like undress him with your eyes beautiful."

"Umm Mrs. Harris aren't you married."

"Yes I am, but not blind honey. I am not blind... Oh here he comes now..sh...shhh....shhh I hear he's single too, but you didn't hear that from me."

Miranda shook her head at Mrs. Harris and walked away towards her mailbox getting her mail.

"Yeah I should have the files copied on my computer. I can check once I get set up in my office. Is there anything else Karen?", Ben said as he walked into the office.

Miranda was turning around with her hands full as Ben was walking towards his office still on his phone not paying attention and bumped into Miranda knocking her coffee to the ground and dropping his phone.

"Oh I am so sorry Ms. Umm..."

"It's Dr. Bailey actually and you should pay attention to where you are going. Clearly walking and talking at the same time is too much of a task for you. Are you sure running a school is what you should be doing? I take it you're the new Principal here."

Ben raised his eyebrow not expecting her response. "Well Dr. Bailey you're right, but I run two schools here and the high school campus. And I'll be your Principal Ben Warren by the way."

"Well Principal Benjamin Warren you are not my Principal you are my students Principal and unfortunately my colleague and on account that you can't do two things at once, I'm concerned for both of my schools and yes you'll be seeing me there too. Because I run thee entire science department at both campuses and at the University of Washington. So watch where you're going because I'm everywhere!", she said standing up and throwing her cup away.

"Mrs. Harris can you call the Janitor to clean this up for me and tell him that I apologize on his colleague's behalf", Miranda said and Ben just watched her while she mentally aroused him with her confidence and snappy remarks.

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