Office Guest!

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"Dr. Bailey are you okay?", one of the students walking in asked her seeing that she was leaning on her lab desk with both of her hands taking in deep breaths.

She took another breath. "I'm fine, thank you!"

"I can make it through the rest of this day. I can", Miranda said to herself as her voice began to break.

"I'll be right back students", Miranda said walking back out of the Chem lab room before her tears started to fall heavily. She leaned up against the hallway wall leaning her head back closing her eyes just letting the pain ride out.

"Dr. Bailey?", Ben asked as he saw her there crying.

"Just leave me be Principal Warren please", Miranda said moving her head side to side closing her eyes back.

"Miranda you're in pain", he said grabbing her hand and stroking her knuckles.

"I'm fine", her voice broke and she pulled her hand away walking off to the staff bathroom. "I just need a second", she yelled back.

Ben went into the Chem lab. "Afternoon students sorry to inform you all, but I will be canceling today's Chemistry lab and class will start tomorrow with Ms. Clarkson."

"Is Dr. Bailey okay Principal Warren?", a student asked.

"I don't know, but let's hope she is. Class dismissed!"

All of the students grabbed their things and headed out of the school because it was the last class of the day and since he canceled it some went home and others went to practice.

He grabbed her things from the Chem lab and then locked the room up going to Miranda's office, but it was locked so he put her things in his office and went to go look for her.

He knocked on the women's staff bathroom and called her name. "Miranda?!", he yelled startling her.

"Go away Warren!"

"Is there anyone else in here?", he yelled through the door as he cracked it open.

Miranda rolled her eyes blowing her nose into the tissue.

Since he didn't hear anything he walked in and saw Miranda leaning against the back wall by the window.

"I said I needed a second. I'll be back in class in a minute."

"No need I canceled it."

Miranda looked up, "I didn't ask you to do that."

"I know, but I should've never put more on your plate. I'm sorry."

"Well it's too late for that now", she said breaking down and he walked over to her.

"Miranda what's wrong?..... Look I can stand here all day and wait for you to respond. I've been a Principal for years and stubborn students are my speciality."

"Do you always say stupid things out of your mouth or is it your time of the month to be an asshole?

"Sorry I deserved that. But come here."

"I'm not coming near you."

"Why not?", he said stepping closer leaving no space in between them.

"Because you urk my damn nerves, that's why."

"I know", he replied smiling.

"And you think this is funny? And why are you in the women's staff bathroom anyway?"

"No and because I need to know how to help you."

"Well you can't do anything for me."

"Why not?"

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