The Office

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"Did she kick you out of her classroom?", Mrs. Harris asked as Ben walked back into the office.

"In her own way without saying those exact words."

"A simple yes would have sufficed", she laughed at his expense.

"I'll be in my office if anyone needs me Mrs. Harris."

"Yes Principal step daddy, you wanna be a Brady bunch?", she said under her breath winking her eye as she began filing papers.

Ben had packages and furniture delivered all day to his office.

When Miranda's class was over she came to the office to make more copies for her next class. She could have sworn she made enough copies for each class, but a folder was missing so she had to make more copies.

"Dr. Bailey would you like to order anything for your class?", she asked all giggly holding up Principal Ben's black card.

"Mrs. Harris why do you still have that man's card?", she asked shaking her head.

"YSL, Gucci, Prada? What kind of school supplies you need for your students?"

"Haha what is wrong with you? Give that man his card back please!"

"Dr. Bailey?!", Ben said coming out of his office and Mrs. Harris sat back down looking at her computer and Miranda turned around facing the copier machine.

"I'm busy Principal Warren."

"I can see that and please call me Ben."

"No thank you and Mrs. Harris I'll see you at lunch", Miranda said grabbing her papers.

"On him", she whispered pointing towards him with his card in her hand still.

"BYE!", Miranda said shaking her head at Mrs. Harris foolishness.

"She's a tough cookie, what's her story?"

"I see you happen to like eating tough cookies Mr. Principal step-....I mean Warren, but if you want the full recipe I suggest you earn her ingredients", she said handing him his card back against his chest. "Firm! She'll like that", she said walking out of the office smiling.

He shook his head.

Later on that day after Miranda's lunch her and Mrs. Harris walked back to the office together. "Soooooo."

"Soooooo what?", Miranda said knowing where she was going with this.

"Nevermind", she said avoiding Miranda's excuses that she had already prepared. "I'll be back I left something can you put my purse back under my desk."

Miranda rolled her eyes, "I know what you're up to and it won't work." Miranda walked into the office by herself and placed her purse underneath her desk and she walked around back to the front of the office and she heard yelling coming from Ben's office.

She heard him slam the desk phone down and then the door opened. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean for you to over hear that, it's very unprofessional with me being at work. I just have so much to deal with that-...."

"I didn't hear anything nor do I need an explanation for your unprofessionalism. Try to keep your calls brief when my students are present in this office please and thank you", Miranda said sounding harsh.

"Did I do something to you? Or are you always this harsh to your colleagues?"

Miranda stared at him realizing that maybe she was being a little rude. "I-...."

"Well what are we discussing here, students, children, babies....mmmmaaarr-..."

"Harris", Miranda said and she put her hands up going to her desk.

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