Family Night PT. 1

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"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know it would take that long", Ben said walking into his office.

"It's okay daddy, can we go to granny's now before I'm already healed."

"Yes come on sweety."

Ben took his daughter to her granny's and then headed back to work just in time for the mandatory assembly regarding this new school year.

All of the students headed into the auditorium taking their seats and all of the faculty sat in the chairs on stage.

Mr. Brown helped the women up the stairs to the stage and Ben patted the seat next to him in the front. "You can sit here Dr. Bailey, I saved you a seat", he said.

"I am pleased to sit wherever I want Principal Warren", Miranda replied.

"And I am pleased that you are pleased to sit wherever you want, which is next to me."

Miranda sat down and crossed her legs at her ankles to the side and Ben watched enjoying her full legs. "Maybe you should keep your eyes on the students Principal Warren", she whispered leaning towards him.

"And why would I cheat myself of seeing something so beautiful that is right next to me?", he whispered back.

Miranda tried not blush and looked away.

After Ben got up and made his speech to the whole school he came back and sat down. "I do have students to teach Principal Warren, try cutting your speeches short", Miranda said messing with him.

"So you don't like to hear my voice?", he smiled. "Because I can listen to yours all day and still want to hear more."

"Whatever.... Dismiss your students already Principal Warren so we can go."

"We? I'll go anywhere with you."

"We as in the students, not us. And the only place I'll let you come with me is in school suspension."

"I'll take that."

"Bye Principal Warren", Miranda said trying not to laugh then getting up and walking down the stairs.

"See you in after school detention then?", he said while helping her down the stairs.

Miranda smiled and shook her head.

At the end of Miranda's 3rd class she was packing up her things to head to the high school when Ben walked in.

Miranda looked up slowly when she heard his very expensive shoes. "Principal Warren."

"I was just checking in on you and seeing how you're feeling?"

"I'm okay. Do you need anything else?", she asked while putting things in her bag.

"Did you eat lunch?"

"No I didn't have time."


"So I'm assuming the boldness and says what's ever on the mind doesn't come from you", Miranda said.

"What do you mean?"

"Your daughter. She's amazing", Miranda smiled looking at him.

Ben looked confused. "How do you know my daughter? Wait how did you know I have a daughter?"

"She told me you talk about me at home. Is that true?"

His phone started ringing.

"I think you should get that, don't you think?"

"Right....umm hello. Hey baby-...", he said and Miranda's face immediately changed hearing him say baby, she tried to play it off and look back down then grabbed her things and walked out.

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