When's The Last Time......?

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Ben had finished cooking and cleaned up her kitchen. He went into her bedroom and saw that she was still sleeping peacefully then closed her door back.

He went into the living room and sat down on the couch looking at all of her school work on the coffee table. "Jesus Miranda why do you take on so much work?", he said to himself.

"Hey Mels, you sleep?", Ben said as his daughter answered her phone.

"Well I was", she said sitting up in her sleeping bag. "What's wrong? Is it mommy, something must be wrong if you're waking me up."

"No nothing like that....umm how much do you know about 8th grade science?", he said scratching his head and looking through Miranda's papers.

"8th grade science daddy really? It's late at night."

"Yes and 11th grade physical/earth science and 12th grade honors physics."


"Yes Mels."

"Did you make up with Miss Miranda?"

"What gave me away?"

"Because why else would you be calling me to help you with science?"

"Because I pay buckets of money to your home schooling program."

"And she needs a tutor to teach me, so that says a lot."

"Mels.... can you help me or not?"

"Oooooh you trying to keep her aren't you daddy....is she there now or are you at her house?", Melanie laughed.


"Fine, but did you check the end of her folders first? Her key sheet is at the end of the papers in the folders for each class. She's very organized so just check. Are you helping her grade papers daddy?"

"Oh okay let me check. And yes Mels, she's very tired and I want to surprise her with helping her out as best I can."

"That's sweet daddy, but don't make her have to do more work by messing up her grading...hahaha."

"Whatever Mels and don't tell her either that I asked for help from you and also keep this under wraps at my job Mels, no one needs to know about me and Miranda."

"Okay daddy your secret is safe with me, on one condition I don't tell Miss Miranda if you can buy me a new leotard", she cheesed.

"Really Mels, are you hustling your own father."

"Absolutely, it's hard out here for a pimp."

"Melanie get off my phone. Good night I love you!"

"Hahaha Love you too daddy. Good night!"

Ben flipped through the folders to the end and found the key sheet to all of the classes. He started with her 8th grade Biology classes homework and then moved onto the high school homework.

It was an hour and a half later and he was now done with the middle and high school papers and now was moving onto her two lab classes homework. Those were easy because he was literally checking to make sure they defined the word and put examples, but the homework for the lecture was a little much. He ended up calling Melanie back.

"Dad it's midnight", she said very sleepy.

"I know I'm sorry baby, but I'm almost finished. There is no key sheet for her Physiology class.. Well there is, but it's not filled out"

"Well I guess you're out of luck then...", she said dozing off snoring.

"MELS?", he silently yelled whispering trying not to wake up Miranda.

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