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"Okay class that's the bell and make sure you all go over the safety rules and guidelines before lab tomorrow because there will be a safety pop quiz as soon as class starts. And I wouldn't suggest failing my pop quiz either unless you want to be my lab experiment for the day", Miranda told her AP Physics class.

She heard the fear in them and it brought music to her ears. "Good so we all are on the same page. And get a head start on chapter 2 and 3 before next class", she said and they all groaned and mumbled things.

"I guess homework should not be an option because I mean I have it here and I was giving you guys a break. AP Physics isn't for the weak so don't come crying to me when you realize it's too late to transfer out of my class. So we have an understanding?"

"Yes Dr. Bailey", they all said.


"Dr. Bailey can I see you for a second?", Principal Warren called from her door.

"Sure. And who ever had questions stay after and ask me now or come to my office before I leave."

Miranda walked out into the hall. "Is there a problem?"

"Well yes and no", Ben said.

"It's either yes or no Principal Warren."

"Okay so Ms. Clarkson had an emergency and had to leave early."

"Okay so what does that have to do with me?"

"You're the only person who can teach her Chemistry class."

"I know this."

"So I figured that you can cover for her class today?", he said nervously.

"Excuse me?! So you figured huh and at what point in that so called very minimal brain of yours did you not think about my sanity. She teaches her classes in block forms."

"Okay", he said confused.

"Do you not know or understand what that entitles. That means her 7th period lecture of 90 minutes turns into her 8th period Chem lab of another 90 minutes with no break in between. I don't teach like that. My classes are spaced out over hours and or days."

"Right...I'm sorry I completely forgot, but I have no coverage for this-....."

"3 hour damn class", Miranda said upset and angry.

"Dr. Bailey!!!"

Miranda took a deep breath. "Do you really want me to be in a chemistry lab when I feel the way I do right now?"

"Ummm....should I answer that or-..."

Mr. Brown shook his head no behind Miranda.

"I have to go", Miranda walked into her class room and grabbed her things and walked out.

"So is that a yes?", Ben asked scared for his life.

Miranda walked back into her classroom before pulling herself together. "Any concerns or questions will have to be after my chemistry class I'm subbing for. I'll be in my office after school until God knows when so stop by and I'll answer or help with anything", Miranda said before walking out and down the hallway.

"Dr. Bailey where are you going?", he asked.

Miranda turned around sharply. "To get some fresh air before someone else loses all of theirs." And he swallowed hard.

The students all started walking out of the classroom shaking their head at Principal Warren, "Good luck this year new Principal", a few kids said walking out. "You've set off the wrong teacher", another kid said laughing.

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