We Need To Talk...

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Ben went to lock her door and then headed towards her bedroom. She walked out looking at him with her clothes in her hand and headed to the bathroom and took a shower.

Ben sat at the kitchen table and waited for her to finish and then heated up some of the left over lasagna he made for them last night, but they never got a chance to eat. "Ummm I made you a plate, you need to eat Miranda", he said and she walked away to her room and he sat the plate down blowing out his breath.

As he sat down looking at the plate he made for himself Miranda came back out and sat down at the table across from Ben. They both sat and ate silently until Ben got up and moved his chair around right next to Miranda facing her side. He placed his hand on her leg, "I know you're beyond upset right now and we have to weigh this out and get things straighten out, but I'm not going through this without knowing I still have you on the other side. He gave us the policy information for a reason Miranda. Let's be legit because I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I know you love me too, which is why this is so hard for you and again I'm sorry", he said kissing her cheek.

Miranda couldn't see anymore her eyes were filled with tears and steady falling. She felt so torn between love and where her career was about to go.

"Can I finish my food please?", was the only she said and Ben moved away hurt.

She finished eating and got up putting her plate in the sink. "I'll wash the dishes for you, just go rest", Ben said and Miranda did just that.

Ben washed the dishes and wiped down the counter and table then cut the lights out going towards Miranda room. He knocked first expecting her to tell him to leave or sleep on the couch, but she didn't say anything she was just flipping through the channels. He stood at the doorway and waited for her response, but she never said anything until he started to say something. "Miranda talk to me, if you want me to leave just say that", he said turning to walk out.

"Huuuuh I don't want you to leave Benjamin. I just don't want to talk to you right now", she said looking at him then back at the TV.

"Can I come in here or you want me on the couch?"

Miranda sat up huffing. "I want you wherever you want to be Benjamin....", she said annoyed.


"Get in the bed Benjamin....Jesus!", she said rolling her eyes.

They eventually fell asleep facing away from each other, but somehow throughout the night ended up in each others arms.

Miranda woke up in the middle of the night and started rubbing up and down Ben's chest playing with his chest hair. She loved waking up in his arms or knowing he was near just by his scent and she didn't want this to end ever. "Miranda you okay baby?", Ben asked with his eyes still closed and now rubbing her thigh that was over him.

She shrugged her shoulders and he felt wetness on his chest meaning that she was crying. "I'm fine!"

"I know you're worried and confused Miranda it's okay. We're in this together right?"

She sat up some looking down at him and nodded yes, "But I'm scared Ben so much has happened since-...."

"Shhhhhh come here don't worry I got you. I got us!", he said holding her tight and she started kissing on his chest as he kissed her forehead.

"Benjamin I'm hot!"

"Sorry I'll move over some", he said scooting away.

"No!", she said sitting up and taking off her long t-shirt and her full breast fell as they released from the t-shirt of her pulling it over her head. They looked into each other eyes and she straddled him already soaking wet while he grabbed both breast pulling them to his mouth to tease, lick and suck.

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