Threats & Promises

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"Yes there is a problem Principal Warren. Why does Dr. Bailey get an entire office to herself when the rest of the staff mainly has to use the staff lounge or their classrooms? I highly suggest that is unfair and having favoritism towards her."

"First of all I have-...", Miranda started to say.

"Dr. Bailey please let me handle this ", Ben said.

"Fine Principal Warren I have to go away and continue teaching unlike some of us", Miranda said before walking off.

"Ms. Clarkson rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

Students were in the hall. "Come to my office Ms. Clarkson", Ben said while closing and locking Miranda's office.

"Here have a seat", Ben said as he walked around to his seat holding out his hand towards the chairs in front of him.

"Look whatever you're thinking is wrong. No one is favoring Dr. Bailey, but she has earned that office and more. She teaches four classes here, plus she tutors her students and other students for every science class here.   You literally only have just one Chemistry class and lab of the same students and that's it. She wrote the entire outline for the science department so that each student has the right foundation. She interviews and hires every science teacher here, which including you so you should be more respectful to I right?", Ben said.

"But Ben-...."

Ben put his hand up, "It's Principal Warren or Mr. Warren to you at all times Ms. Clarkson. Don't let that hospital situation be more than anything than what it was, which was simply nothing. So like I said before she earned that office and it's not changing and you will respect her."

Ms. Clarkson became pissed. "Fine", she said standing up and placing her hands on his desk leaning over. "But Principal Warren if I find or see anything other then simply being staff members between you and Dr. Bailey I will go to the school board because that's against policy here", Clarkson said walking out and Ben stood up.

Ben's phone went off.

Miranda Bailey 🍎👩🏽‍🏫💜: She's really testing my patience Ben😒... You should've let me finish what I had to say.

Ben: No because I had a feeling that what was left to finish wasn't all verbal.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: And your point is 🤷🏽‍♀️......

Ben: My point is that I didn't want to bail you out tonight because I have a dinner planned for us tonight and sitting at the police station wasn't apart of that plan.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: Did you ask me?

Ben: Didn't think I had to because you have to eat.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: Well I'm annoyed and too tired to drive out to your place tonight. I'm behind in grading papers and planning their exam.

Ben: Well I can come to your house and cook for you while you work.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: No because you're not going to let me get any work done and I can't be playing games with you.

Ben: I promise I won't bother you.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: No you're not leaving Melanie home alone no matter how grown she is.

Ben: Melanie will be with Stephanie her teammate after practice and I'll pick her up tomorrow after practice.

Miranda Bailey 🍎 👩🏽‍🏫 💜: Fine Benjamin. Clearly I'm not getting out of this🙄.

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