The Confrontation

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"I... wasn't the first?" You muttered in disbelief.

Silvia grinned as she shook her head, "Oh no," She brightly replied. Her voice bordering somewhere between cheery and matter of fact. "But you were certainly the most unique. Even now, you've managed to completely capture my attention." The vixen stared down at you with that grin of hers, curious to see what you next reaction would be.

You steeled yourself, "Where are they?"

Silvia raised a brow while offering an innocent smile, "Are you sure you want the answer to that?" She asked as she continued to look down on you.

You'd grown tired of Silvia's stall tactics. You vaulted off of the ground and up to where she was, gripping the banister before pulling yourself over the side and setting foot on the ground. You now stood on the same level as Silvia. You could see the device sitting on a small table up against the wall, while Silvia stood a small distance away from it with a cane. She seemed to have it more for show and style than anything else. You glared at the nine tailed fox and repeated your question, "Where are they?"

Silvia shifted her weight, "You know, I have to admit. You are probably one of the most fascinating creatures I've ever met."

You rushed forward and took a swing at the vixen who in turn, gracefully avoided the attack before jumping backwards a few feet. You eyed her with a deadpan stare.

"My, feeling a bit temperamental today are we?" Silvia asked with a chuckle.

"I'm getting tired of you giving me the runaround," You replied.

Silvia then pointedly looked down her snout at the device on the table, which was now closer to you than it was to her. Her smile faded as she looked down her snouthe pointed at it with the end of her cane, "The device is well within you reach. Why not take it and go? It is the reason you came here isn't it?"

"I'll leave when I'm good and ready!" You snapped, "The other humans! Where are they?"

"Your determination and tenacity is remarkable, as are your courage and resolve" Silvia replied as she lowered her cane back down to the floor. She then smiled at you, "I'll tell you where they are, but before I do you should know that you might not like the answer. Sometimes your better off not knowing the truth, ignorance is bliss as they say."

You frowned as you glared at her, "Maybe. But I can't help but favor the phrase, 'knowledge is power.'"

Silvia nodded, "Hmph. I'll make you a deal."

The mayor was taken aback when you lunged at her with your fists balled, "No thanks!" You growled as you took a shot at her face with your right fist. She easily dodged it before revealing her cane to be a sheathed sword. "No wonder she was holding onto it," You thought to yourself as you narrowly avoided her attack. the tip of the blade slashed a thin slit in the chest armor. You grimmaced as you realized that the armor may not protect you from the blade. That being the case, you retreated to a safe distance.

"So then what would you propose? How will you get the knowledge you desire if you refuse to come to an agreement with me?"

You didn't move, "I can beat out of you, ya psychotic, power hungry, dictator," You thought to yourself. Your eyes then drifted to her cane, "But that... a hidden weapon that augments her close range combat potential... suggests that she was absolutely ready for me and prepared for this outcome. Actually, knowing Silvia she was probably planning on this from the moment she realized I was in her city. I really want to investigate this, make her tell me where the others are. But I can't do anybody any good if I'm caught or killed. I should leave, right now." You shifted your weight back and began turning your body toward the entryway.Silvia raised a brow, "You came all this way and now your just going to leave? What about the other humans?"

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