Seoul university ❣️

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"the speech of welcome will be given in the assembly hall, please make your way there!"

a loud voice came through a megaphone guiding new students and returning students toward the location.
The students were having the conversations of their life while making their way to the assembly hall.

"I am so excited"

"I wish I meet my soulmate here"

"Oh my god! Imagine my soulmate shows up"


"Please take a seat the director would like to say a few things"


"Oh sorry" whispered a boy as he tried to take a seat slightly bumping into someone who was aiming for the same spot.

"It's ok, sit I'll find another seat" the brunette tapped the purple head's shoulder pushing him softly toward the seat.

"No you got here first you should sit"the purple head smiled showing his dimples.

"Just sit here, the person just moved away so two seats for both of us"

The purple head turned and found that truly the person who was in the chair next to the empty one took pity on them and had moved away.

The purple head bowed at the person and took a seat leaving the other one for the brunette

"I'm Kim Seokjin and you?"

"Oh I'm Kim Namjoon," the boy said.

"Nice to meet you Namjoon" Seokjin smiled at the boy before turning toward the stage.

"Sorry, coming through"Seokjin looked up and saw a boy trying to pass in front of him.

"I am sorry but could you let me pass here," the boy asked and all Seokjin could do was comply the boy looked young and his eyes shined with something Seokjin couldn't pinpoint but he just hoped he could keep staring but that was quite weird for someone he just met.

"Yeah sure"

The blond boy smiled instantly at Seokjin's reply.

"It's just my friend decided to sit at the end of the row," he said before making his way through Seokjins legs then bumping into Namjoons and apologizing as quickly as he could before moving forward until he was finally sat next to his friend.

"Ouch" someone whispered behind Namjoon making both Namjoon and Seokjin turned around to find a curly head boy rubbing his head as he stared daggers at the person next to him. The surprising thing that was to both Namjoon and Seokjin was that the boy was not wearing the original uniform of the school rather he was wearing a very expensive suit instead with the crest of the university stitched into it.

"Why'd you hit me!" He whispered at the man who they assumed had hit him.

"Are you ok?" Seokjin asked without thinking the boy looked like he was in a lot of pain.

The boy turned from glaring at the person next to him to look in front of him and find two people who looked quite concerned about him.

He gave them a boxy smile making them both smile without realizing it and the person next to the curly haired boy just shook his head "I told you,your smile could kill someone"

"Hush,Louis " the curly haired boy said to the man and turned back to the front

"I am ok thank you, my friend over here just didn't like what I said"

"Oh alright" Seokjin was about to turned around but before he could the curly haired boy spoke again.

"My name is Kim Taehyung and you guys?"

"Oh I'm Kim Seokjin and he is Kim Namjoon" the brunette replied for both of them.

Taehyung nodded his head and smiled.

"Please let me through" came a voice that seemed quite panicked

All four boys turned to find a raven who seemed to be fidgeting.

"Are you ok? Taehyung asked getting up from his seat the boy nodded and passed by him and sat next to Taehyung and tried to hide himself with his bag.

"What's wrong" Louis asked quite curious of the boys behaviour.

"I'm hiding" he replied sinking deeper into his chair.

"I can see that, but from whom? Is my question" Louis said

"From the student council president"

"You know him?" Taehyung asked

"He is my older brother"

"Oh" Namjoon said "why are you hiding from him?"

"He wants me to be up on the stage with him and I hate being stared at"

"Well he can't force you" Seokjin said smiling at the boy who had peeked from behind his bag.

"Well he sure can and will if he sees me"

"Well hopefully he won't see you" taehyung said and pulled the boy up to sit properly.

"Thank you" the raven replied

"Im Kim taehyung, they are Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin and this ugly face beside me is li Louis"

"Hey!" Louis whispered and hit taehyungs head again.

"Oh I'm Jeon Jungkook" the raven smiled.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook" they all said in union.


"Welcome to the university of Seoul, we are really honoured to have you all here today....."


"Please make your way outside of the assembly hall there you will find a stall with council members, they will give you your schedule" the council president spoke and gestured for everyone to leave.

And so that's what they did they waited in line to get their schedules.

"Oh I'm in class A21" Seokjin said turning toward the rest of the boys.

"I am in A2" Namjoon replied "but I have like 2 classes with your class hyung"

"I am A21" what's yours? " Taehyung said staring at his paper as he made his way closer to the others.

"Same we are in the same class Taehyung, Namjoon has 2 classes with us"

"That's nice!"

"And you Jungkook what class are you in?" Taehyung asked as he saw the raven approaching them.

"Oh it's B4" the rest nodded letting  him know which group they were in.

"Ouch!" Taehyung hissed as he tried to balance himself after being pushed by another body.

He turned around to yell at the person but before he could the person started to apologize.

"I'm an so sorry!"

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