together ❣️

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"Would that be all?"

The boys nodded their heads and handed the menu back to the person in charge of their table.
They had decided to meet for a proper date since now they were all together, it took a while to get a day that everyone would be free but they found one after 2 weeks.

"I can't believe exams are starting next week," taehyung groaned as he tapped his glass of water with his finger.

"Well, isn't it good? Then, we are finally done. " namjoon smiled at taehyung, who nodded and sighed.

"Let's not talk about the school we do that every day," jimin added, patting taehyung on the shoulder to cheer him up.

"You are right. I'm sorry."

The rest shook their heads, smiling at their curly-headed boy.
They ended up asking questions to each other to pass time before their food arrived.
The food arrived a few minutes later, and they dug in talking about anything and everything, besides school.


"Good luck!" Jimin yelled after yoongi walked away.

Exams had started, and each of them was stressing yet tried to be clear-minded for each other.
Yoongi waved at the boy and entered the room where his exam would take place.


"I think I did okay," Jin said as he looked through his book as he sipped his drink.

"I'm sure you did amazing," namjoon replied, smiling at his hyung.

They sat in the familiar cafe while waiting for the rest to be done with their exam.
Namjoon lifted his hand, placing it on Jin's face. he wiped away the bit of cream that was on the olders lips.
Seokjin thanked the boy with a soft blush present on his face and went back to eating his pastry.


"Graduation ceremony will be held in 5 days," a voice spoke over the school's PA.

The boys looked at each other all excited.

"My parents are arriving today," Taehyung announced as he lifted his eyes away from his phone.

"Mine too," jimin said with a smile

"My sister will be here tomorrow," namjoon announced as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

"Well, my family is already here," jungkook laughed.

They all smiled at the boy and decided to go to the cafe to spend a bit of time together finally being able to destress and relax from the intense 2 weeks of exams they've had.

"This will be the first time our parents get to meet" hoseok realized, everyone looked at each other and soft pink dusted their cheeks as they realized things will be getting serious once their parents finally meet.

"Let's hope they don't go ahead of us with our relationship," taehyung sighed, knowing quite well his parents would want to start planning about their future. The thought sent chills down his spine as the image of his parents making arrangements instead of letting him decide for himself and letting the rest decide if they were ready for the big commitment to be done so soon.

"Oh, I remember how your parents are, "yoongi said as he scrunched up his nose.

"Please don't remind me," taehyung slammed his head on the table. yoongi barely got to save the boy's drink from ending on his head.

" What about them?" Jungkook asked with an innocent look on his face.

"Oh, you don't wanna know, my love," yoongi said as he patted taehyung on the head.

Jungkook went back to his drink once the last word registered in his head.

"Nice to meet you, jinshi," taehyung said as he lowered to be at eye level with the young girl.

"She is quite shy around new faces," namjoons sister, hanshi, said as she tapped the little girl's head.

Taehyung got up and smiled at the older woman. he nodded at her before turning around and walking back to his seat next to his parents. Jungkooks' parents had told the boy to tell everyone to come to their house so they could all meet in one place. Two more days before their graduation, everyone was gathering at the youngest house. Namjoons sister arrived today along with her daughter.

"Yoongi Hyung just texted that he is arriving with his brother," jungkook announced from the kitchen where he was getting a drink for namjoons sister.

"Thank you," she said, taking a hold of the glass along with a juice box for the little girl.

Taehyung got up from his seat and walked toward the kitchen, and namjoon followed after them, "this is going better than I thought," taehyung said, sitting down on a stool as he watched jungkook run around.

"Your parents haven't done anything or said anything bad," jungkook said, placing a glass of wine in front of the curly-haired boy.

Taehyung thanked the boy before he took a sip.

"Wait, when they see yoongi hyung," he said, and as the olders name left his lips, the doorbell rang.

Jungkook ran towards the door and opened it wide, "hi yoongi hyung, Junie hyung."

He gestured for them to enter.

" OH my God, is that yoongi!?" A loud voice boomed in the house. In the kitchen, taehyungs sighed.'Here we go,' he thought.

Hi Aunty, " yoongi bowed along with his brother.

"Oh, my babies!!" Taehyungs mother got up from her seat and ran towards the boy engulfing them in a big hug before she pulled away, she took ahold of juries hands and whispered "I'm so sorry for what happened to your parents"

Junie lowered his head before lifting and smiling at his aunt.

She turned toward yoongi and pulled him in another hug.

"If we knew earlier what happened, we would have taken a flight as quickly as we could and helped you guys."

She pulled away and smiled at yoongi
"And now that you guys are soulmates, we will get to spoil you guys even more!!"

"Honey! What about we get them-" yoongi held her upper arm and she stopped talking she turned toward the boy and he smiled "having you in our life is the biggest spoiling we could ask for please don't do anything else"

Taehyungs mother's eyes started to tear up before she sniffed her tears away.

"Oh taehyung, you should learn from yoongi; look at this man being the most amazing son ever."

Taehyung in the kitchen groaned slamming his head on the island making jungkook and namjoon laugh at the boy, jimin who was sitting silently next to his parents tried to hold back his laughter, hoseok was confused since he had been to the restroom and walked out to everyone laughing.

The doorbell rang, " seokjin hyung is here!"

6oulmate||polyamoryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें