Soul ❣️

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Jimin ran toward where he was supposed to meet the rest of the boys; the café.

Tears were still decorating his red cheeks as he reached he stopped in front of the door and saw the boys sitting, laughing and drinking their coffees.

He breathed in and out trying to calm himself and then wiped his cheeks once more before opening the door and walking in.

The doorbell chimed letting the workers know a new customer came in.

Jimin made his way toward the rest and sat down.

"Hey what took you so long?" Namjoon asked as he lifted his hand for a worker to come and take jimins order.

"Where is your new book?" Jin scanned the boys' book that he had placed on the table and none looked new.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?"

Jimin was in a daze and whispered "Yoongi"

"I'm sorry what?" The worker bent down to hear Jimin properly and that brought him back.

"I'm sorry, can I uh I'll take an Americano please"

The worker nodded his head and left.

"What was that,"  Taehyung asked.

"What's wrong Jimin?" Hoseok asked

Jimin took a deep breath and looked Hoseok in the eyes from across the table.

"I found him"

"You found who?" Hoseok asked, the rest just listened.

"I.found.him!" He almost yelled.

"Jimin what is wrong with you" Jin's hand placed itself on the boy's shoulder and Jimin burst out into tears.

"Oh my god, Jimin are you okay"

"I found him, I met him, our soulmate.."

Everything went silent after those words escaped jimins mouth.

The boy was so tired after letting out the word soulmate he passed out.

Jin took the boy in his arms and got up making people stare at him but he didn't care the rest followed behind and Namjoon went to the counter paid for jimins drink and left.


The boys had gathered in the room, they had made their way to the closest apartment and that being namjoons.

Jin laid Jimin on the bed and looked at the rest.

"Why is he so sad and exhausted after founding our last soul?" Jungkook asked as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe something happened," Hoseok said as he took a sip of his coffee and sat down on the only chair that was in the room.

Taehyung walked toward Hoseok and sat down on
His lap

Hoseok gladly accepted and placed a hand around the boy's back so he wouldn't fall.

"He looked so afraid and in a daze," Taehyung whispered.

Before anyone could say anything else Jimin jolted up.

He looked around and was confused for a second before realizing what had happened.

Namjoon sat down next to the boy and rubbed his back.

"Jimin what is going on," he asked in a soft tone trying not to trigger the boy.

"I found our soulmate but.."

"But?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin took a deep breath and started talking he told them everything that took place in the school hallway.

The boys were silent for a few moments thinking about what Jimin had just told them.

They were happy and slightly afraid that they will never get a chance to meet the boy.

Jin sighed out loud and spoke first "alright, everything is going to be fine if his brother said to wait then let's just wait" the rest of the boys looked at jin and nodded.

Not knowing more than the boys' name was frustrating but all they could do was listen to what jin had announced.


a few weeks had now passed since Jimin had encountered Yoongi everything was almost back to normal, the boys were doing better but deep down they were always going back to that day.

They couldn't stop thinking about the boy even if they tried their hardest to remind themselves that they did not lose the boy and that he will eventually come to them, he just needed space right now but the atmosphere around them had thickened to the point that it was suffocating them.

"Okay, we need to talk" Hoseok announced as they all sat in the café once more and surprisingly at the same table.

"I feel like instead of cheering each other on and trying to be as happy as we can without Yoongi we are just going deeper and deeper into sadness," he said as he watched the boys realize that he was right.

"We need to focus on our studies, yes Yoongi is important too but guys hello! Your grades are dropping" he said as he stared at taehyung and jimin.

the two boys tried to avert their eyes not being able to look hoseok in the eyes.

"is that true?" Namjoon asked

Taehyung nodded and Jimin followed.

"You guys need to focus on your grades too just like Hoseok has said Yoongi will come back.


Hoseok and Namjoon decided that it was time to take the boys out and help them feel better and come back to terms that Yoongi isn't gone forever and that he will come back.

And so they planed out a date on their day off and decided to meet at namjoons place.

When everyone had arrived they gathered in two cars that belonged to Seokjin and Hoseok and drove to a restaurant.

They ate and talked about their feelings and it felt better to let everything out and not keep things in.

"I hope we can do this with Yoongi by our side one day," jin says as he takes a sip of his drink the rest smile and nod their heads.

"We will, hyung" Jungkook replies.

After dinner, the boys end up in a movie theatre.

"Why did I suggest this horror," Hoseok says as he yelps and hides behind Namjoon.

Namjoon let out a laugh soothing Hoseok and pulling him behind himself.

He wrapped an arm around Hoseok and placed his head on his shoulder.

"Stay here" He whispered and taped hoseoks head softly.

"Ok" Hoseok answers back with his eyes closed.

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