Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise

Start from the beginning

I hear a snicker from time as he stands up and walks over to me.

"you can teleport us right?" I ask.

Time nods and starts to teleport us.

As usual... I get blinded by the light. I start feeling as my body becomes light as a feather, but quickly regains it's weight.

Finally the light starts to fade and I regain my vision.

Good. We're at the little park area where M normally teleports me.

Okay-let's get going. We walk silently down the gravel road, when suddenly someone blocks our path.

"hey, who are you." the red leader asks.

"greetings, Red leader." time says politely.

"ah, time steve, who's that if you don't mind me asking." the red leader asks while keeping an uninterrupted glare at me.

"he's a... Friend. Just like me... He already knew about your village." time answers.

The leaders seems sceptic for a moment but then seems to come to terms with it.

"I'm here for the red professor. He's the only other peopson who could have information on a problem we've been experiencing" I shift my voice down. I don't sound like myself at all.

That's good I guess... Don't want him to realize I'm sabre.

"and that problem would be...?" he trys to asks further.

I look around a little paranoid.

"I can't tell you that out here... It's too dangerous if someone else were to find out" I explain.

" too dangerous...? What. It wouldn't be the end of the world, now would it." the leader says with a small scoff.

I don't break our eye contact. Or... At least the best of something close enough to eye contact.

And I stay silent.

"... Is... It...... Oh no. " the Leader Musters from the awkward silence.

" yes, we need the professor." I say as I continue walking.

The leader takes the lead-

As he should, he is a leader after all.

Haha lol.

He leads us through the village and to the professors building.

We walk down a lot of stairs but eventually reach the lab.

" PROFESSOR!!!" The leader calls out.

A red steve with Googles and a salmon on his head looks out from one of the doors.

"you have visitors." the leader says.

We go in front and time waves to the professor.

He walks over to us and gives time a firm handshake.

He then notices me.

"ah... You are quite mysterious aren't you." the professor laughs.

I take down my hood.

My hair is hanging in my face so the blindfold is barely visible in the front anyways.

"oh! A green steve - goodness... Your colour ... Your colour seems... Rather unhealthy.

" I'm perfectly healthy... I'm just ancient is all... Colour fades over a very long time." I say as an excuse.

" really-... Well... Colour does fade-but I've never seen a steve at a stage like yours, how old are you exactly"

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