Wrong has never felt so right- ScarFlo

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A/N I've been working on this and another one (platonic relationship) so they'll probably be the first ones out!

Florence pouts and slumps against Scarlett's back, sighing dramatically.

"You okay?" The older woman asks with a chuckle.

"Hot." Is all Florence says.

There shooting in Budapest right now and they're doing the motorbike scene, which means they're both strapped together without any wiggle room and not to mention it's fucking hot. They've been strapped together for a good two hours but they're having some technical issues so they're having to take a break which leaves the two stuck in the sun.

Florence sighs again and sits back up, noticing Scarlett's mood going downhill so she grins to herself and plucks a hair from the back of her neck making the woman jump.

"Hey!" She whines and rubs her neck whilst Florence just laughs.

The next thing she does is lean forward and blow into her ear, yet again making Scarlett jump and slap Florence's leg.

"Cut it out." She quips with a small laugh.

Florence suddenly digs her fingers into Scarlett's sides which makes her burst into a fit of laughter and try to squirm away from the touch but she fails miserably. Florence laughs as well, finding Scarlett's laugh contagious.

"S-Stop!" Scarlett begs through her laughing, trying to push Florence away.

"No." Florence says and moves her hands up, ticking Scarlett's armpits which makes the ginger vigorously wiggle around, desperately trying to escape the torture.

"Pugh, I swear to god!" Scarlett wheezes, leaning back and finally grabbing Florence's hands, yanking them forward so Florence's arms are under her arms and her body gets pulled forward by the force. The younger girl giggles childishly and licks the shell of Scarlett's ear. "You're disgusting!" Scarlett whines and lets her go, wiping her ear in disgust.

"Hey, at least you're not moody now." Florence says innocently.

Scarlett chuckles lightly. "You're annoying, you know that?"


"Mama!" A voice yells from the distance which makes Scarlett grin.

"Rose!" The little girl jumps into her mother's arms and hugs her tightly, hitting Florence in the face as her arms wrap around her mother's neck. The blonde girl grunts slightly and scrunches her nose up, rubbing it playfully which makes Rose giggle. "I've missed you, Babygirl."

"I've missed you too, Mama." Rose mumbles.

"Was she good?" Scarlett asks her assistant.

"She was perfect. A little fussy on the plane journey but other than that, she was as good as gold." The girl assures.

Since Rose had school she couldn't come with her Mom to Budapest straight away so she stayed with her Dad and then Scarlett's assistant flew out to collect her once school was out.

"That's what I like to hear." Scarlett smiles.

Rose giggles loudly when Florence pulls faces at her from behind Scarlett.

"Is she pulling faces?" Scarlett asks her daughter.

Florence gasps playfully. "Slander!"

Rose giggles again which melts Scarlett's heart.

"Do I get a hug, Rosebud?" Florence pouts dramatically.

Rose launches herself into Florence's arms, almost taking her out again but the blonde manages to steady herself.

Florence Pugh Imagines (and other marvel women)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon