miles away from seeing you

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with her?" She asked.

"Don't worry, this is all part of Rao's plan," Coville said as Supergirl breathed heavily.

"Winn — Winn!" Supergirl called out desperately.

"Supergirl, what's happening?"

"It's...Kryptonite — Kryptonite," she muttered.

"Alex, something went wrong."

"Yeah, I heard. We need to stop this game." After a long moment of silence, Alex came back on comms. "You're gonna have to shut that thing down. We won't get everybody out in time. Repeat, we will not evacuate in time."

Supergirl heavily eyed the BetaHedron as green was covering all over her. "We are all going to die," she said before looking back at Coville. "You need to shut it down."

"You said she would save us. That she would save everybody," Olivia said.

"And she will," Coville said before he walked over to them, and kneeled down before the hero. "Those people up there, they need to be awoken. Only you can do that." Supergirl then glanced around the ground, to find a small piece of metal. She grabbed it and pulled open her palm. "You are the one to deliver Rao's light upon all of us."

The girl panted as she sat up and eyed Coville. "Don't you see?" She asked before she held out her palm towards him, which had a cut of blood. "I am no God."

"No," Coville muttered, as the people around them began to panic. They got up and started to run out of the basement as Supergirl looked as if she were to pass out. "Wait, stop." He then looked back at the hero. "I believed in you."

"Please," She begged and Coville turned towards the BetaHedron. He pressed a button on it, but it didn't stop it. It just powered it.

"That was supposed to turn it off. It's not turning off," Coville said.

"Winn!" Supergirl called out in comms.

Suddenly, Alex walked into the basement, and pulled a gun out on Coville. "Hey! Get away from the probe and down on the ground!" Alex yelled as Coville stood up, his hands out in surrender.

"I'm just trying to help," he said.

"Now!" Alex yelled and Coville did as he was told while Alex ran over to the hero. "Supergirl."

"In...Inside. Inside," she called, pointing at the BetaHedron. Alex got up again, put her gun away, and headed around the BetaHedron. She saw that the Kryptonite was in a small container, so she opened up the force it was behind, and pulled it out.

"They put Kryptonian soil samples on the probe. It's laced with kryptonite," Alex said into comms.

"Get it away from her!" Alex, then threw the container far away, causing the veins on Supergirl slowly fading away. "Alex. Supergirl. The BetaHedron is about to breach."

Alex ran back over to the hero, though she was still weak. "You have to fly that thing out of here," Alex said.

"I can't. I can't," Supergirl mumbled.

"Alex, you and Supergirl need to get out of there right now!"

"Get away from me," Supergirl muttered suddenly and Alex stared at her confused. "Quick, get away." She stumbled as she stood up, but with her last energy until she would pass out, she used her laser heat vision onto the ground. She used it until the ground was deep enough for the BetaHedron to go in, without hurting anyone. She stumbled back to the ground as Alex eyed her. "Now! Now! Push it in. Push it in," she said and Alex ran over to the BetaHedron while the hero slowly passed out.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now